


Lua Error when attempting to put item in Bank

GnuclearGnome opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Which software were you running?

  • Addon version name: 11.0.12
  • Client used: [e.g. Vanilla 1.14.4, Retail PTR x.x.x, etc] Retail

Have you read the changelog?
Mark if read. Yes

Please describe the bug.
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

With bags and bank open and "player" tab selected, right-clicked on an item in my bag (Basically Beef stack) to put it in my Bank and received an error. Item stack was transferred to the first open regular Bank slot. Reagents are not being put into open Reagent bag slots but are put in regular Bank slots instead.

Please describe how to reproduce it.

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Any Screenshots?
If applicable, please add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Error Logs are Important!
Message: bad argument #4 to '?' (Usage: C_Container.UseContainerItem(containerIndex, slotIndex [, unitToken, bankType, reagentBankOpen]))
Time: Fri Aug 30 12:24:33 2024
Count: 1
Stack: bad argument #4 to '?' (Usage: C_Container.UseContainerItem(containerIndex, slotIndex [, unitToken, bankType, reagentBankOpen]))
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua"]:59: in function <...terface/AddOns/BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua:42>

Locals: self = BagnonContainerItem68 {
IconOverlay = Texture {
AugmentBorderAnim = AnimationGroup {
showMatchHighlight = true
flashAnim = AnimationGroup {
__count = 68
NewItemTexture = Texture {
IgnoredOverlay = Texture {
Dummy = Button {
IconQuestTexture = BagnonContainerItem68IconQuestTexture {
emptyBackgroundAtlas = "bags-item-slot64"
Count = BagnonContainerItem68Count {
searchOverlay = BagnonContainerItem68SearchOverlay {
NormalTexture = BagnonContainerItem68NormalTexture {
bag = 2
_template = "ContainerFrameItemButtonTemplate"
isCraftedItem = false
isProfessionItem = false
Cooldown = BagnonContainerItem68Cooldown {
FlashFind = AnimationGroup {
__index =

BagIndicator = Texture {
Stock = BagnonContainerItem68Stock {
__super =
__base =
icon = BagnonContainerItem68IconTexture {
Backgrounds =
hasItem = true
__type = "ItemButton"
IconGlow = Texture {
locked = false
HighlightTexture = Texture {
flash = Texture {
itemContextMatchResult = 3
count = 7
PushedTexture = Texture {
info =
QuestBang = BagnonContainerItem68IconQuestTexture {
AugmentBorderAnimTexture = Texture {
frame = BagnonInventory1 {
IconBorder = Texture {
BagFamilies =
IconOverlay2 = Texture {
newitemglowAnim = AnimationGroup {
BattlepayItemTexture = Texture {
__frames =
UpgradeIcon = Texture {
timeSinceUpgradeCheck = 0
ItemContextOverlay = Texture {
_name = "BagnonContainerItem"
ExtendedSlot = Texture {
JunkIcon = Texture {
readable = false
button = "RightButton"
stackSize = 1000
Addon =
IsRetail = true
SearchFrame =
Frames =
Currency =
Skins =
ItemGroup =
AccountMoney =
ContainerItemGroup =
CurrencyTracker =
BankTab =
Frame =
OptionsToggle =
Bag =
LastBankBag = 12
CurrencyTooltipCounts =
Base =
sets =
Name = "Bagnon"
None =
Parented =
guild =
player =
Cacher =
NumBags = 5
ReagentButton =
Item =
IsClassic = false
BankBags =
OwnerSelector =
Commands =
SortButton =
LastBankTab = 17
AutoDisplay =
BagGroup =
TooltipCounts =
SideFilters =
Inventory =
Rules =
ItemSlot =
SearchToggle =
Title =
Slash = "bgn"
Owners =
InventoryBags =
BagToggle =
Bank =
Settings =
BrokerCarrousel =
MoneyFrame =
Tipped =
ContainerItem =
Events =
DropButton =
CurrencyLimit = 30
Sorting =
Version = "11.0.12"
C =


same here

7x bad argument #4 to '?' (Usage: C_Container.UseContainerItem(containerIndex, slotIndex [, unitToken, bankType, reagentBankOpen]))
[string "=[C]"]: in function `UseContainerItem'
[string "@BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua"]:38: in function <BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua:21>

(*temporary) = "bad argument #4 to '?' (Usage: C_Container.UseContainerItem(containerIndex, slotIndex [, unitToken, bankType, reagentBankOpen]))"


line 58, change to

C.UseContainerItem(self:GetBag(), self:GetID(), nil, nil, true)


Message: bad argument #4 to '?' (Usage: C_Container.UseContainerItem(containerIndex, slotIndex [, unitToken, bankType, reagentBankOpen]))
Time: Sun Sep 1 13:51:11 2024
Count: 2
Stack: bad argument #4 to '?' (Usage: C_Container.UseContainerItem(containerIndex, slotIndex [, unitToken, bankType, reagentBankOpen]))
[string "=[C]"]: in function `UseContainerItem'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua"]:59: in function <...terface/AddOns/BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua:42>

Locals: (*temporary) = 5
(*temporary) = 35
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = true

always when right-clicking a reagent in my bags, attempting to put into bank reagent bag. even if the only open bag is the reagent bag it gets placed in the regular bank.

I have the latest version but i have been getting a bagbrother lua error from previous versions as well. i think this one is smaller, others were 2 pages or more.

thanks for all that you do. cheers!


As of Bagnon version 11.0.16, I'm getting the error message but if there isn't an empty slot in the Reagent Bank Bagnon is still putting the reagent item clicked on in the first open regular Bank slot rather than adding it to the stack that already exists in the Reagent Bank.