


BagBrother errors

Lowdpska opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Which software were you running?

  • Addon version name:
    Vanilla 1.15.4/5

Have you read the changelog?

Please describe the bug.
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Please describe how to reproduce it.
All visual settings are gone, I checked on two accounts

Any Screenshots?

Error Logs are Important!

["message"] = "...terface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/classes/itemGroup.lua:112: attempt to compare number with boolean",
["time"] = "2024/09/29 16:59:29",
["locals"] = "self = Frame {\n buttons = <table> {\n }\n order = <table> {\n }\n frame = BagnonInventory1 {\n }\n bags = <table> {\n }\n}\nprofile = <table> {\n rules = <table> {\n }\n point = \"TOPRIGHT\"\n hiddenBags = <table> {\n }\n scale = 1.060000\n sort = true\n spacing = 7\n lockedSlots = <table> {\n }\n bagToggle = false\n strata = \"HIGH\"\n enabled = true\n reverseBags = false\n options = true\n color = <table> {\n }\n money = true\n hiddenRules = <table> {\n }\n itemScale = 1.300000\n y = -231.338474\n bagBreak = false\n x = -0.000008\n search = false\n broker = false\n reverseSlots = false\n alpha = 1\n columns = 10\n borderColor = <table> {\n }\n}\ncolumns = 10\nscale = 1.300000\nsize = 44\nspace = 1.300000\nrevBags = false\nrevSlots = false\nx = 6\ny = 1\ngroup = 0\n(for index) = 2\n(for limit) = 6\n(for step) = 1\nk = 2\nframe = Frame {\n id = 1\n}\nbag = 1\nnumSlots = 12\nfamily = 0\nslots = <table> {\n}\n(*temporary) = false\n(*temporary) = 0\n(*temporary) = 0\n(*temporary) = 2\n(*temporary) = 12\n(*temporary) = 0\n(*temporary) = 0\n(*temporary) = 12\n(*temporary) = 0\n(*temporary) = \"owner\"\n(*temporary) = nil\n(*temporary) = nil\n(*temporary) = <table> {\n __super = <table> {\n }\n __base = <table> {\n }\n OpenSound = 862\n __frames = <table> {\n }\n __type = \"Frame\"\n __count = 0\n FontH = GameFontHighlightLeft {\n }\n BrokerSpacing = 2\n __name = \"BagnonFrame\"\n MoneySpacing = 8\n CloseSound = 863\n Font = GameFontNormalLeft {\n }\n __index = <table> {\n }\n MoneyFrame = <table> {\n }\n BagGroup = <table> {\n }\n}\n(*temporary) = \"attempt to compare number with boolean\"\n",
["stack"] = "[string \"@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/classes/itemGroup.lua\"]:112: in function `Layout'\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/classes/itemGroup.lua\"]:32: in function <...terface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/classes/itemGroup.lua:30>\n[string \"=[C]\"]: in function `Show'\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/api/frames.lua\"]:32: in function `Show'\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/api/frames.lua\"]:24: in function <Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/api/frames.lua:23>\n[string \"=(tail call)\"]: ?\n[string \"=(tail call)\"]: ?\n[string \"@Interface/AddOns/BagBrother/core/features/autoDisplay.lua\"]:83: in function `ToggleBackpack'\n[string \"TOGGLEBACKPACK\"]:1: in function <[string \"TOGGLEBACKPACK\"]:1>",
["session"] = 1,
["counter"] = 1,

The problem is solved if you completely delete all settings in SavedVariables
And then the addon works, but unfortunately there is no longer an opportunity to visually change something (


I've been seeing the same problem. Everything works fine in Cata Classic, but SoD won't load the appearance frame. I have uninstalled, removed SavedVariables, and reinstalled.

The only error I have is for BagBrother:

[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/misc/Slider.lua"]:32: in function `Construct'
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0-4/Poncho-2.0.lua"]:81: in function <...aceBagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0/Poncho-2.0.lua:75>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/core/Callable.lua"]:24: in function <.../BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/core/Callable.lua:23>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/core/Labeled.lua"]:27: in function <...s/BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/core/Labeled.lua:26>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/misc/Slider.lua"]:40: in function <...ns/BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/misc/Slider.lua:39>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/groups/Group.lua"]:84: in function `Add'
[string "@BagBrother/config/classes/optionsPanel.lua"]:77: in function `AddLabeled'
[string "@BagBrother/config/classes/optionsPanel.lua"]:57: in function `AddPercentage'
[string "@BagBrother/config/classes/optionsPanel.lua"]:17: in function `method'
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/core/Callable.lua"]:59: in function <.../BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/core/Callable.lua:55>
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/Sushi-3.2.lua"]:28: in function `FireCalls'
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/groups/Group.lua"]:71: in function <...s/BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2/classes/groups/Group.lua:68>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:866: in function `DisplayLayout'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:807: in function `DisplayCategory'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingsPanel.lua"]:749: in function `SelectCategory'
[string "@BagBrother/libs/Sushi-3.2-1/classes/groups/Options.lua"]:71: in function `Open'
[string "@Bagnon/src/optionsButton.lua"]:20: in function <Bagnon/src/optionsButton.lua:17>

self = <table> {
 __version = 2
 __template = "OptionsSliderTemplate"
 __index = <table> {
 right = 16
 bottom = 7
 DisabledFont = "GameFontDisable"
 NormalFont = "GameFontNormal"
 __super = <table> {
 __base = <table> {
 __type = "Slider"
 __name = "Sushi-3.2-Slider"
 left = 14
 __count = 1
 top = 17
 __frames = <table> {
f = Sushi-3.2-Slider1 {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "OnMouseUp"
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Text' (a nil value)"
Slider = <table> {
 __version = 2
 __template = "OptionsSliderTemplate"
 __index = <table> {
 right = 16
 bottom = 7
 DisabledFont = "GameFontDisable"
 NormalFont = "GameFontNormal"
 __super = <table> {
 __base = <table> {
 __type = "Slider"
 __name = "Sushi-3.2-Slider"
 left = 14
 __count = 1
 top = 17
 __frames = <table> {