


DE and ES translation updates

Phanx opened this issue · 2 comments


While I was in adding these missing ones, I noticed several things:

  1. When you add a new translatable string in the English file, it would be very helpful for translators if you also added it each of the other files, commented out.
  2. Both the German and Spanish localization files have some strings that aren't present in the English file; I'm guessing these strings are no longer used by the addon. At some point you may want to go clean these up.


Missing German translations

L.TipCleanBags = '<Klicken> um die Taschen aufräumen.'
L.TipCleanBank = '<Rechtsklicken> um die Bank aufzuräumen.'
L.TipDepositReagents = '<Linksklicken> um alle Reagenzien einzulagern.'
L.TipFrameToggle = '<Rechtsclick> um andere Fenster umzuschalten.'
L.TipManageBank = 'Bank verwalten'
L.TipCount4 = 'Leerenlager: %d'

Updated German translations

L.TitleBags = 'Inventar von %s'
L.TitleBank = 'Bank von %s'

The apostrophes in the existing translations are ugly Anglicisms. 😢

Missing Spanish translations

L.ToggleVault = 'Abrir depósito del vacío'
L.TipCleanBags = 'Clic para limpiar las bolsas.'
L.TipCleanBank = 'Clic derecho para limpiar el banco.'
L.TipDepositReagents = 'Clic izquierda para depositar todos los componentes.'
L.TipFrameToggle = 'Clic derecho para abrir/ocultar otras ventanas.'


Missing German translations

L.HighlightNewItems = 'Neue Gegenstände hervorheben'
L.HighlightSetItems = 'Ausrüstungsset-Gegenstände hervorheben'
L.EnableSortButton = 'Sortierschaltfläche aktivieren'
L.EnableAutoDisplay_gems = 'Inventar anzeigen, wenn ein Gegenstand gesockelt wird'
L.ItemSlotColor_cooking = 'Farbe für die Plätze der Küchentasche'
L.ItemSlotColor_reagent = 'Farbe für die Plätze des Materiallager'

Missing Spanish translations

L.HighlightNewItems = 'Resalte objetos nuevos' 
L.HighlightSetItems = 'Resalte objetos en equipamientos'
L.EnableSortButton = 'Mostrar el botón para ordenar'
L.ItemSlotColor_cooking = 'Color de ranuras de cocina'
L.ItemSlotColor_reagent = 'Color de ranuras en banco de componentes'

Someone that speaks deutsch and spanish? Now there's something rare!



Just remembered that there are guild bank and void storage modules too, though I don't use them myself... looks like the Spanish is already complete, so here are the additions/updates for the German translations:

Bagnon_GuildBank DE

L.Title = 'Gildenbank von %s'
L.Log1 = 'Transaktions Log'
L.Log3 = 'Reiter Info'
L.TipFunds = 'Gildenbanksgeld'
L.TipDeposit = '<Linksklick> um einzuzahlen.'
L.TipWithdrawRemaining = '<Rechtsklick> zu entnehmen (%s verfügbar).'
L.TipWithdraw = '<Rechtsklick> zu entnehmen (kein verfügbar).'

Bagnon_VoidStorage DE

Apostrophes, go away!

L.Title = 'Leerenlager von %s'