DE and ES translation updates
Phanx opened this issue · 2 comments
While I was in adding these missing ones, I noticed several things:
- When you add a new translatable string in the English file, it would be very helpful for translators if you also added it each of the other files, commented out.
- Both the German and Spanish localization files have some strings that aren't present in the English file; I'm guessing these strings are no longer used by the addon. At some point you may want to go clean these up.
Missing German translations
L.TipCleanBags = '<Klicken> um die Taschen aufräumen.'
L.TipCleanBank = '<Rechtsklicken> um die Bank aufzuräumen.'
L.TipDepositReagents = '<Linksklicken> um alle Reagenzien einzulagern.'
L.TipFrameToggle = '<Rechtsclick> um andere Fenster umzuschalten.'
L.TipManageBank = 'Bank verwalten'
L.TipCount4 = 'Leerenlager: %d'
Updated German translations
L.TitleBags = 'Inventar von %s'
L.TitleBank = 'Bank von %s'
The apostrophes in the existing translations are ugly Anglicisms. 😢
Missing Spanish translations
L.ToggleVault = 'Abrir depósito del vacío'
L.TipCleanBags = 'Clic para limpiar las bolsas.'
L.TipCleanBank = 'Clic derecho para limpiar el banco.'
L.TipDepositReagents = 'Clic izquierda para depositar todos los componentes.'
L.TipFrameToggle = 'Clic derecho para abrir/ocultar otras ventanas.'
Missing German translations
L.HighlightNewItems = 'Neue Gegenstände hervorheben'
L.HighlightSetItems = 'Ausrüstungsset-Gegenstände hervorheben'
L.EnableSortButton = 'Sortierschaltfläche aktivieren'
L.EnableAutoDisplay_gems = 'Inventar anzeigen, wenn ein Gegenstand gesockelt wird'
L.ItemSlotColor_cooking = 'Farbe für die Plätze der Küchentasche'
L.ItemSlotColor_reagent = 'Farbe für die Plätze des Materiallager'
Missing Spanish translations
L.HighlightNewItems = 'Resalte objetos nuevos'
L.HighlightSetItems = 'Resalte objetos en equipamientos'
L.EnableSortButton = 'Mostrar el botón para ordenar'
L.ItemSlotColor_cooking = 'Color de ranuras de cocina'
L.ItemSlotColor_reagent = 'Color de ranuras en banco de componentes'
Just remembered that there are guild bank and void storage modules too, though I don't use them myself... looks like the Spanish is already complete, so here are the additions/updates for the German translations:
Bagnon_GuildBank DE
L.Title = 'Gildenbank von %s'
L.Log1 = 'Transaktions Log'
L.Log3 = 'Reiter Info'
L.TipFunds = 'Gildenbanksgeld'
L.TipDeposit = '<Linksklick> um einzuzahlen.'
L.TipWithdrawRemaining = '<Rechtsklick> zu entnehmen (%s verfügbar).'
L.TipWithdraw = '<Rechtsklick> zu entnehmen (kein verfügbar).'
Bagnon_VoidStorage DE
Apostrophes, go away!
L.Title = 'Leerenlager von %s'