


Please separate the deposit all button....

TygerCzew opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Please for the love of god separate the sort all button and the deposit all button.... My bank bags are normally more then half full and a simple miss click screws them up because of blizzards idea of how i should sort my bags.... I love the deposit all button but I'm tired of having to reorganize my bags because of a miss click.... please please please please make those 2 different buttons so I can deactivate the sort button and keep the deposit all button....


Is there any plan to implement this? The mismatch of the two buttons (bags, bank) actions is really annoying.


i agree with you TygerCzew, i misclick ALL the time. i end up sending all my reagents to the bank when i meant to sort or vice versa. my ticket is similar in that i was asking to keep it consistent so that left-clicking would always sort whether in your bags or your bank, but i can see how separating the buttons would also do this.

i would be fine with this, and then just use an addon like genie, sushisort or bankstack to sort my bags separately with a keybinding.

here is my ticket:


A separate button might be a good idea


thanks very much for your consideration Jaliborc!