


Black screen?

mwhite1028 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


first let me tell you "i cannot survive with out this addon..not at all. I hate the bag system in wow.

Now, after installing the new 7.03 version(which fixed the error i knew about) i was running Time walking with recount(updated) and the screen froze black. I first thought i was d/c because son was running fine. then after 15 secs or so screen came back(like a tab out). proceeded on with run and it happened three more times. I turned off bagnon did a ui reset and the problem cleared. i still ran with recount. When i got out of the run turned bagnon back on for garrison work and everything seemed fine, but i didnot run another timewalker . I do not know if this is a wow problem or an addon problem. Just letting you know I cant be without this addon