


Patch 7.3

TYGERLILY425 opened this issue ยท 14 comments


Please please please update for new patch!!! I want to keep playing but the bags are so harrribleeee without this addon


Bags will not open in-game for some reason. I have all other add-ons turned off but to no avail.

The zipped file worked thanks for the info Torsin


Bagon is broken in 7.3. I copied a macro i found and moved the icon to my toolbar. It will open all the bags, but it won't closed them (use x to close). I hope that this problem is temporary. I love my bagon!!

/script OpenAllBags()


Fixed by replacing bag.lua and frameBase.lua as referred on this wildpants (bagnon component) pull request:


Did you try downloading the following zipped up fix for this from the Project Issue #585:


I made all of the proper changes with the zip file, but now the tooltips are not working. I can see all of the items, I just don't know what they are now.


That might be something different for the tooltips, they are working fine on my system. As a test if you disable all your other addons except Bagnon do the tooltips still not show properly?


I disabled it all, and left only Bagnon and related addons active.
It still didn't work.
Then I eliminated all and just Bagnon with no related addons running and it worked fine.
When I enable Bagnon_Forever, then it stops working.

Bagnon_forever/ui/tooltips.lua is the file sending the error message:
"attempt to index global 'BagnonUtil' (a nil value)"

This might have something to do with Auctionator. Later on down the list of errors there is some stuff related to Auctionator.

I am not a LUA coder so I do not know how all of the files relate to each other.

I disabled Auctionator and Auctioneer and enabled Bagnon_Forever, and the tooltips stopped working.
I enable all except Bagnon_Forever and it works just fine.


Auctionator is indeed busted right now, and will cause issues all throughout your UI if left activated.


Thank you Torsin! Works perfectly!

If that zip isn't working for someone, then something else is wrong on your end. So far 10+ people in my guild are using the zip Torsin uploaded and its working perfect!


+5 Internet points to Torsin. I just opened the .zip folder, copied everything inside, pasted them all into my addons folder, clicked replace old with new and it works!


Okay, here is the scoop on Bagnon_Forever.

Originally it was used to handle the tooltips for Bagnon. Now BagBrother is being used to handle the tooltips so Bagnon_Forever has become outdated and just now showed up as a problem with the sound handler being changed.

I deleted the entire Bagnon_Forever folder and all of its contents and now everything works fine.

So, if you have Bagnon_Forever in your AddOns folder it might be prudent to take it out. I am going to test for a bit to make sure it does not affect anything else but as of this writing everything seems to be functioning properly.


Bagnon_Forever has been removed from Bagnon probably around 6 years ago


Guys, what issue with Jaliborc/Wildpants#7 ? Can we merge it?


I did what Torsin requested by DL the zip manually and it works now