


Display of Guild Bank Tabs, Bagnon 7.3.1

JohnMHammer opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When viewing the guild bank remotely using the saved Bagnon data, only one tab can be viewed.

If the guild bank has not been visited since login, only the first guild bank tab can be viewed remotely.

If the guild bank has been visited since login, only the last guild bank tab accessed can be viewed remotely.

Other guild bank tabs can be clicked on and are highlighted but the contents display does not change.

Thank you for maintaining Bagnon!


I have noticed that for a while now. I have resorted to disabling the guild bank piece of the addon. You still get guild bank item counts in your regular inventor that seem to be accurate, but the remote guild bank viewing doesn't seem right.


I have noted that this issue continues in Bagnon 7.3.2.


I just turned the guild bank piece of Bagnon back on after today's update, and the guild bank appears to be functioning correctly.