


Character-specific setting option keeps resetting when updating

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Every update so far this expansion has reset the character-specific settings option, many of the options are still stored per-character afterward for some reason but the Frame Settings -> Columns setting is not. It's not the end of the world to have to reset the columns on all of my toons after each update but I'd prefer not to have to if possible.


I can confirm this is happening. While it may not be "the end of the world", I find it pointless to spend time fiddling with an addon rather than playing the game. This is a serious usability bug that makes me not want to use this addon - literally. I've gone back to the prior version from before 8.0.


In the interest of not complaining without providing useful information, I went digging. It seems the root of the problem is that prior to 8.0, Bagnon would store its character-specific settings in the players object. After upgrading to 8.0 or later, the players object is deleted completely from the saved settings, rather than get migrated to the new profiles object used to store player info.

The problem traces back to this line:

self.sets.players, self.sets.owners = nil

It's in Bagnon\external\Wildpants\core\settings.lua

Instead of just setting players to nil, the addon should use that as an indicator that the user is upgrading from a prior version, then migrate the settings to the new profiles object.