


How to reset bagbrother

newishjazi opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Running Software (please complete the following information):

  • Just reinstalled bagnon today to try to fix the problem, so my version should be up to date.

Describe the bug
I had a character name change and now my previous name shows up on the item tooltips along with my current name.

To Reproduce
It's just in my bags and in my bank on almost every item.

Expected behavior
I expected bagnon to show only my current character's items but instead it also shows the exact same items for my previous names

I can add a screenshot if needed but I feel like this shouldn't be as difficult to fix as it has been.


I think it must be this file:
World of Warcraft\WTF\Account\<Your Account>\SavedVariables\BagBrother.lua

Open and edit it to change the name manually.
Or delete the file completely to have it rebuilt.


Perfect, thank you