


LUA error, unsure of cause

raysmith59 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Game 8.1.5, Bagon 8.1.8.

I have no idea what I did to cause it but I had my bags open, did something (hovered over an item in my bags?), then got this:

4x FrameXML\FloatingPetBattleTooltip.lua:107: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
FrameXML\FloatingPetBattleTooltip.lua:107: in function BattlePetTooltipTemplate_SetBattlePet' FrameXML\BattlePetTooltip.lua:20: in function BattlePetToolTip_Show'
Bagnon\external\Wildpants\components\item.lua:495: in function <Bagnon\external\Wildpants\components\item.lua:484>
[C]: in function `Show'
Bagnon\external\Wildpants\components\item.lua:204: in function <Bagnon\external\Wildpants\components\item.lua:199>

tooltipFrame = BattlePetTooltip {
0 =
BorderBottomLeft = {
Owned = {
SpeedTexture = {
Background = {
HealthTexture = {
speciesID = 158923
Speed = {
BorderTop = {
PetType = {
BorderTopLeft = {
BorderTopRight = {
BorderLeft = {
Power = {
PowerTexture = {
PetTypeTexture = {
BattlePet = {
Name = {
Health = {
Level = {
BorderBottom = {
BorderBottomRight = {
BorderRight = {
data =

speed = "2"
customName = "158923"
name = 158923
power = "11"
speciesID = 158923
level = "353"
breedQuality = 10
maxHealth = "9"
(*temporary) = defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = {
0 =
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 10
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"


if you are using twitch to install it, make sure youre not installing it on the beta folder