


lua error and separate bags after patch 8.2

lucianahanan opened this issue ยท 9 comments


cannot open consolidated bags after patch 82 release.

Backpacks ignores the consolidation.

Bank bags shows both consolidated and separate bags frames.

no lua errors though.


Same here, in addition after the update using "C" on the keyboard with the option enabled does open a consolidated bag, but using "B" to open shows only the individual bags.


Downgrade to the previous version till the bug is sorted. :)


I'm having the same problem with the bags not consolidating plus there is nothing showing in any of the separate bags until I turn off bagnon. Rolling it back to the previous version seems to work fine.


I have the same problem - B key opens separate bags. What is interesting, when I open crafting window I see one big bag. The same when I access bank, bags are also consolidated.


On professions the consolitated bag also displays here. It's something wrong at the backpacks and the bank places :) didnt test the void storage.


Indeed, rolled back to version 8.1.9 and issue is gone. The dev might take a look at what he changed over there ^^


Bank worked for me, at least when I accessed it from Garrison.

I have noticed one more thing: when I opened bags with B key, only 1st bag had items displayed in (last one which is most to the left). Other bags were displayed as empty.


I also see that the addon Bagnon_Equipment also does not work as intended - I can no longer see the set tiny icon over the gears inside bags. That might be related to bagnon issues.


Last patch version 819c actually fixed all issues. Thank you man! :)