


Classic: Bagnon Not Working

Sarkli opened this issue ยท 9 comments


I have this installed for Classic. It is updated. It says its compatible but when i log into the game it flags it as 'out of date'. Even when i turn it on regardless of that it still will not even load once in game. There are no errors or anything like that. It doesnt show up in interface addons either. It just simply doesnt work. Let me know if there is anything i can do to help resolve this issue.

I have other addons installed as well that work just fine. Bagnon and OmniCC are the only two that dont work. Thanks




Just updated have the same issue on the last 3 versions. says its out of date, no errors just doesn't load


You might need to check compatibility if you have other addons. Classic version has been working fine for me.


Where did you download the addon? It seems like the version on is severly out of date. has a more recent version which works for me.
@Jaliborc Do you plan on updating the addon on wowinterface? Seems like a lot of people stumble upon this, also for OmniCC.


I got both the add-ons from the twitch app initially. It's where I've gotten all the rest of the add-ons as well. I also deleted and tried downloading from curseforge and installing manually as well and they still don't work. It was mention as a possible conflict. I will attempt a complete check about that later today but I turned off a couple that would make sense if they conflicted and Bagnon/Omni still doesn't work. A lot of the add-ons I'm using in Classic are ones I use in BfA where I don't have an issue.


Ok i just tried disabling all addons except for bagnon and it still says out of date and will not even show up in game. I mean its not an urgent need for this addon its just more for convenience of course i would just like to help figure out why in particular its not working at all..


same issue. won't work at all. even though twitch app says up to date.


Same problem. I've yet to get Bagnon working in Classic.


I had problems as well but i got it working now by enabling "Load out of date addons" in the top right corner and disabling all other outdated addons (might work with them enabled though)
Latest addon version (8.2.9)