


What are item rulesets?

fireundubh opened this issue · 3 comments


What are item rulesets? Are they supposed to do something? When you toggle them in options, what are you supposed to see change? When I toggle them in Classic, there's no discernible difference.

As an aside, what are the differences between Bagnon and Combuctor?


This was a valid question that I'd like to know as well, since you haven't written very useful descriptions for your mods.

Also - Why did you close these tickets without even the slightest response or reason given?? This behavior is very irresponsible, and shitty for a mod author to exhibit - specifically so when a valid question is presented to you as a result of not having done your due diligence and written thorough descriptions for your mod files... smh


Github issues are for bug reports and feature requests only.
Addon developers develop mods as a hobby for free. If you don't how I prioritize my free time, you can write addon guides yourself or take your conceited self somewhere else.

Stop pestering me.


Github issues are for bug reports and feature requests only.
Addon developers develop mods as a hobby for free. If you don't how I prioritize my free time, you can write addon guides yourself or take your conceited self somewhere else.

Stop pestering me.

I'm certain the only "conceited self" here is the man with Jesus Christ as his profile picture.

Closing issues without any explanation as "invalid" is disrespectful. It doesn't matter how you prioritize your time. Your schedule and how busy you are don't absolve you of your antagonistic behavior and attitude toward users.

Furthermore, I don't need to hear that "addon developers develop mods as a hobby for free." Had you taken but a moment to look at my profile, you'd see I have vastly more experience with creating mods and modding tools than you do — and for more than just a single game — and that's to say nothing of my 20 years of experience in the game industry.

Judging by other issues you've closed, you have a bad habit of closing issues without any explanation as "invalid." Perhaps in your Ivory Tower experience as an academic, you've never learned how to effectively use an issue tracker, so let me educate you: this is the wrong way to manage one.