


ElvUI Error

Pickaxe12 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Installed the Bagsync. I need the tooltips for items and alts inventory. When installed Imlost control of mouse, menus and basically ui stopped working. Several buttons became un-clickable.
I use Baud Bag for all bag related stuff.
No lua codes or error messages.


Realize this is closed, but wanted to leave this here for documentation reasons.


So MBB was not seeing buttons that are fired off via 'OnMouseUp' events; BagSync was one of these.

MBB was modified to find buttons using OnMouseUp, and once this was done, MBB found the BagSync button and added it to the consolidated view of addon buttons.

However, ElvUI was now also being seen, where it wasn't before, and when MBB worked in conjunction with ElvUI, the error occurs.

MBB was reversed, so the trigger condition no longer happens in ElvUI.

There's seems to be some incompatibility with MBB interacting with the ElvUI code base, or something that BagSync does to the codebase once MBB manages its button that breaks ElvUI.


Edit: Fixed typo in comments.


If you use ElvUI by any chance, make sure you update it. In terms of Baud Bag, make sure that is updated as well.

In order to determine what is going on, I need you to disable ALL addons EXCEPT BagSync. Only have BagSync working. Check to see if you still have the same issue with the standard default WOW bags. Check if you see the BagSync information on the bank and in your tradeskill windows. Also double check you have access to your mouse and such.

Please get back to me once you've done the step above. ๐Ÿ˜„


All my addons should be up to date. Disabling ElvUi fixed the issue tho. And I only disabled ElvUi.


Nevermind, my bad!
Seemed like I missed an update for ElvUi.
All is working fine now!
Thank you for your fast reply and great work with this addon! <3


Nevermind, my bad!
Seemed like I missed an update for ElvUi.
All is working fine now!
Thank you for your fast reply and great work with this addon! <3

I figured it was ElvUI as that's been a common issue as of late. Glad you were able to fix it.