


Not searching across realms/factions.

sauljaffe opened this issue · 7 comments


I have characters on two realms. Whenever I'm on one realm and search, no matter what I do, bagsync doesn't display results from the other realm. Now, it's possible that this is not a realm issue but a faction issue since all the characters on one realm are alliance and on the other are horde but I do know that whether I do a regular search, or an advanced search, I don't see results from the other realm.


BagSync won't display information on another server unless that server is a Connected Realm or a Linked Realm to the one you are on. The only way for BagSync to show ALL realms regardless of Linked/Cross Realms is to enable the BNET option which I don't recommend. Also it won't show information on cross factions unless you enable that option.

This is a list of Connected/Cross Realms.


Please provide me the two servers in question. In general you cannot send items across realms/servers unless they are Battle.Net items or Heirlooms. You can only trade/send items within connected realms. This is why BagSync doesn't show items outside of Connected Realms.

Regardless, please provide the two realms you have your toons in. As well as provide your BagSync.lua file from your WTF/Account/SavedVariables folder. Character names and their factions.

I will check to see your settings and such and see if I can replicate the issue. In terms of "other" addons you need to be more specific.


Lightbringer and Garrosh are not Connected Realms. That is why the item information is not being displayed. In order to show that information you would need to enable the BNET Option in BagSync. I don't recommend that as it uses a lot of data to parse and could cause FPS/Lag.


In principle BagSync has been around since Vanilla. It has always worked on the idea of being able to show items on toons that could share items between themselves. This includes servers. There is no point in being able to see an item on another server for a character you cannot interact with or trade with. Other then knowing you have a certain amount of an item on that character.

The BagSync.lua file only has character names, realm names, their bag item information and your BagSync settings that's it. It's only addon settings and no addon can take personal information or account information and store it. I use the BagSync.lua to load into a dummy addon I made to allow me to view the game through a persons eyes and see if I can replicate an issue. It also allows me to view the realm data and see if I can pinpoint why specific realms do not communicate either each other.

If you are unwilling to assist me there then there isn't anything else I can do. I will not create characters just to debug an issue I cannot replicate. That is a waste of my time.

If the BNET option above does not work for you then yes there is a bug, but without that BagSync.lua file there isn't much I can do.

Otherwise the only other thing I can suggest is using Altholic .

I will be closing this ticket for the time being. If you encounter issues with the BNET option, please reopen the ticket.


Then use those addons. If you think you can do it, then program one yourself. I do this as a hobby and nobody pays me for it. Stop being such an ungrateful idiot.