


Items showing over other items, recipes not showing and Profession journal not showing

PirateKain opened this issue ยท 7 comments


When in the guild bank and I move items around or take items out, another item shows in the tooltip first until I move the cursor off and then back on to it. It seems to be previous battle pets I've had in the bank a long time ago. My son has the exact same issue in his guild bank. We are not in the same guild. His is also showing past battle pets over other items.

Also, I notice the addon isn't working with profession Recipes, patterns, schematics and what not within their bags, banks and guild banks. Some characters show Recipes they do not have, some show multiples of an item yet they have only one or none and all the rest like most of them show no Recipes at all. I'm on retail and not using any bag addon so don't know what's up.

The addon also doesn't show if a character has an item equipped in the Profession journal. I had a big iron fishing pole on 8 characters but have been doing fishing dailies today and the new profession journal makes me equip the poles to it. After some time I decided to see who still needed one and only 3 characters I didn't log into yet had one listed. I was like um, ok. I remembered about equipping them to that journal and unequipped them and now they show up.



Thanks for filing a new ticket. Lets see if we can get this resolved for you.


This sounds like the parsing issue with the bags. I will take a look at the code and see if I can replicate the issue. In terms of the Professions Journal, BagSync doesn't really check when an item is equipped in there. It only really checks the bags, banks, equipment, mailbox, auction, and void storage. So I'll have to look how that even functions for me to even attempt to put any counts for that. If it's just the fishing pole, it honestly may not be worth it. But I'll check regardless.


The Professions Journal, BagSync doesn't really check when an item is equipped in there. It only really checks the bags, banks, equipment, mailbox, auction, and void storage. So I'll have to look how that even functions for me to even attempt to put any counts for that. If it's just the fishing pole, it honestly may not be worth it. But I'll check regardless.

Its for all profession tools and the new incoming Accessories they'll be adding in Dragonflight. So it'll be alot more than just fishing poles.



OK, I'll do that. Thank you


The new version I pushed should address most of the issues. Please make sure to scan with all your characters again.


OK it's still doing the pet thing. I'll explain a bit more to what it is doing as I've been messing with it to see what exactly its doing.

I use no addon for the guild bank or any of my bags. It is all Blizzard bags and banks.

In the tab I put Companion pets. It doesn't seem to matter what tab I put them in. Also it only does this with companion pets.
As I move a pet, any pet in that tab. As I move the pet and set it down in another spot in that tab, it will change to the tooltip showing the last bet in the tab. If I change that last pet to another pet it will change to showing that pet when I move any other pet within that tab. Also if I right click to take the pets out, the tooltip showing the last pet shows up in that empty spot.

When right clicking the pets to add them to a Guild bank tab from your bags it also does this and sometimes it does something else but similar. It doesn't show tooltip of last pet in the bags like it does in the guild bank. It shows a tool tip of the last pet you right clicked to add to the guild bank.

Also when I change bank tabs, the tab with the pets also shows the tooltip of that last pet on the tab itself. As if the tab is that companion pet. This stops when there are no pets in that bank tab. But starts back up when pets are added back or when pets are added to another tab it starts doing it to that tab.

I wish I knew how to send videos as I've tried but it always says file too large.


Pets are supremely messed up in the Bank and GuildBank because of how Blizzard stores them. I've had to do numerous updates just to TRY to work with it.

Please do me a favor and read the last FAQ in the BagSync config window. Under FAQ it will explain everything for you.

What you can TRY to do is enable Accurate Battle pets (which may cause lag) in the BagSync config window. This should have been enabled by default and has the warning (may cause lag). If you disabled that, then the battlepets will be slightly inaccurate.

It's very difficult to work with battlepets in the guildbank and bank because of what I explained in the FAQ. Blame blizzard for this ๐Ÿ˜„

Also you can upload the video to youtube as a private video and just put the link share here.