


Retail: Sometimes items (in guild bank/bank) do not get picked up by BagSync and need multiple logins to do so

HausmeistaHausmeista opened this issue · 20 comments


As I was missing items in the tooltip and started to investigate. I noticed that sometimes new items do not get picked up by BagSync and need multiple logins to do so. I haven't been able to 100% reproduce it, but the best way to do it, is the following:
1.) Either create a new character or remove an old one from BagSync
2.) Disable all addons, log in and place at least one item into the bank and if you are in a guild, then into the guild bank as well
3.) Enable BagSync and do not open any bank
4.) Log out
5.) Log in
6.) Visit the bank / guild bank
7.) Wait like 30 seconds whilst having the (guild) bank open
8.) Mouse-over the item in the bank and see if it is listed in the tooltip
9.) Sometimes it is, sometimes not. If not, log out and you'll see that the item is also not in the BagSync.lua in \SavedVariables
10.) Log back in, open bank again, wait and see if the item is shown in the tooltip
11.) If not, repeat logging out and back in until it does, which happens normaly on the second login, but can take up to five (which was the most for me in my tests)

BugGrabber/BugSack stays quiet during all this.
Tested with version 18.1.

Thank you very much for this AWESOME addon and all the time you've already invested in it. I have just discovered it recently as my old addon setup broke with Dragonflight, but it quickly jumped into my personal top 5 of addons. :)

EDIT: Added version used during my tests.


Updated to version 18.2
The char I encountered the issue with has 9 items in the bank, directly, not in any bags there. 8 items have worked correctly, one item was only showing another char having it.
This is the debug output when mousing over this item:

[15:05:00]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:05:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:05:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:05:00]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, [Pozzo dell'Eternità] Butterkeks
[15:05:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:05:00]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C1891594D0, 168802, 168802, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 2

Then I logged out, logged back in and now BagSync showed both chars on the tooltip. Here is the debug output:

[15:08:18]: [Data]: OnEnable
[15:08:18]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, nil, nil, Die Aldor
[15:08:18]: [Data]: LoadSlashCommand
[15:08:18]: [Events]: OnEnable
[15:08:18]: [Scanner]: StartupScans, nil
[15:08:18]: [Scanner]: SaveEquipment
[15:08:18]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 0
[15:08:18]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 1
[15:08:18]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 2
[15:08:18]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 3
[15:08:18]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 4
[15:08:18]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 5
[15:08:18]: [Scanner]: SaveCurrency
[15:08:18]: [Scanner]: CleanupBags
[15:08:18]: [Data]: CheckExpiredAuctions
[15:08:18]: [Data]: IterateUnits, true, nil
[15:08:18]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, nil, nil, Die Aldor
[15:08:18]: [Scanner]: CleanupProfessions
[15:08:18]: [Tooltip]: OnEnable
[15:08:18]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 000002C18EF4A510
[15:08:18]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 000002C25C36D5D0
[15:08:18]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 000002C18EF5E250
[15:08:18]: [Tooltip]: HookBattlePetTooltip, table: 000002C2BDA35710
[15:08:18]: [Tooltip]: HookBattlePetTooltip, table: 000002C2BDA30670
[15:08:19]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, nil, nil, Die Aldor
[15:08:19]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, nil, nil, Die Aldor
[15:08:19]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:08:19]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:08:19]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:08:19]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:08:20]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:08:20]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:08:21]: [Events]: SpamBagQueue, 3
[15:08:21]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 0
[15:08:21]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 4
[15:08:21]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 3
[15:08:21]: [Events]: SpamBagQueue, totalProcessed, 3
[15:08:21]: [Events]: DoTimer, SaveCraftedReagents, function: 000002C305FCCA40, 1, nil
[15:08:35]: [Scanner]: SaveBank, nil
[15:08:35]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, -1
[15:08:35]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 6
[15:08:35]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 7
[15:08:35]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 8
[15:08:35]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 9
[15:08:35]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 10
[15:08:35]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 11
[15:08:35]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 12
[15:08:35]: [Scanner]: SaveReagents
[15:08:35]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, reagents, -3
[15:08:37]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:08:37]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:08:37]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:08:37]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:08:37]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:08:37]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:08:37]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, [Pozzo dell'Eternità] Butterkeks
[15:08:37]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Die Aldor, nil, Horde, PRIEST, Troll, 3, Testguild©, Die Aldor, Die Aldor
[15:08:37]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C18EF4A510, 168802, 168802, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 8

Yes, the item in this case has the itemid 168802 (Nazjatar Battle Commendation).

You have gotten nearly everything right. :) Only the issue 1. is wrong, as Testchar has also a few items in his bags. But no Nazjatar Battle Commendation.

Yes, in the options I have Display XR and Display BNet as well Display realm names active. In the Tags section the option do display the XR BNet identifiers is disabled.


It seems to me that the item is being processed and stored. You are testing it on ItemID 168802. (

I'm still a bit confused on what exactly is going on. However, I'll see if I can trace the issue. Please if possible use Character names to describe things. It gets difficult for me to try to understand which and whom you are referring to when you say "character". :)

  1. You login to your character Testchar that only has items in the bank? Nothing in the bags.
  2. You go to the bank or guild bank and open it on Testchar.
  3. You hover over an item in the bank. It displays Butterkeks has having 168802 ( But not Testchar right?
  4. You logout Testchar
  5. You login Testchar
  6. It now shows that both Testchar and *Butterkeks have item 168802 (

[15:08:37]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, Testchar
[15:08:37]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, [Pozzo dell'Eternità] Butterkeks

You need to be extremely specific when trying to reproduce the issue. Using exact things you are doing and with character names and such. Otherwise it's very difficult for me to follow what you are trying to describe.

If you can give me a extremely specific step by step process of what you are doing including interaction with bags that would be helpful. You seem to have Crossrealms XR enabled BTW. So I think I know what is going on but I need to verify a few things. Please click on that "Iterate Units" button and provide me those details too. Thanks.


Ok, next case. :)

[Debug-IterateUnits]: guild, Testbank©, Lordaeron, true, false, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[Debug-IterateUnits]: player, Testchar, Tichondrius, true, nil, nil
[Debug-IterateUnits]: player, Bankchar, Tichondrius, true, nil, nil

The affected character is Testchar from realm Tichondrius. It is not in Testbank. Only Bankchar is in this bank.

The affected item is: 5956 - Blacksmith Hammer -

Testchar has 139 Blacksmith Hammer in the bags and 240 Blacksmith Hammer in the bank.
Testchar has 1 normal Hearthstone in the bags (Backpack). I don't think I touched it during the test.

Testchar has 4 Hexweave Bag (114821) ( as normal bags.
The seven bags in the bank are from left to right:
Messenger's Satchel - Deep Sea Bag - Deep Sea Bag - Deep Sea Bag - Hexweave Bag - Hexweave Bag - Scholar's Ancient Pack
or in itemIDs:
182716 - 154695 - 154695 - 154695 - 114821 - 114821 - 187442
24 Scholar's Ancient Pack (187442) are also in the guild bank of Testbank.

The following debug is from:
1.) Deleting Testchar-Tichondrius from BagSync.
2.) Logging into Testchar-Tichondrius
3.) Activating BagSync addon
4.) Activate Debug
5.) Log out
6.) Log back in
7.) Opening all bags at once
8.) Tooltip shows 139 Blacksmith Hammer in the bags upon mouse-over.
9.) Opening bank
10.) Mousing over the Blacksmith Hammer in the bank only shows 139 Blacksmith Hammer in the bags, but non in the bank
11.) Opening all bags in the bank one after anonther, but the tooltip doesn't change. It will only ever show 139 Blacksmith Hammer in the bag and none in the bank.

[15:41:22]: [Data]: OnEnable
[15:41:22]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:22]: [Data]: LoadSlashCommand
[15:41:22]: [Events]: OnEnable
[15:41:22]: [Scanner]: StartupScans, nil
[15:41:22]: [Scanner]: SaveEquipment
[15:41:22]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 0
[15:41:22]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 1
[15:41:22]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 2
[15:41:22]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 3
[15:41:22]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 4
[15:41:22]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 5
[15:41:22]: [Scanner]: SaveCurrency
[15:41:22]: [Scanner]: CleanupBags
[15:41:22]: [Data]: CheckExpiredAuctions
[15:41:22]: [Data]: IterateUnits, true, nil
[15:41:22]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:22]: [Scanner]: CleanupProfessions
[15:41:22]: [Tooltip]: OnEnable
[15:41:22]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 000002C25C37B610
[15:41:22]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 000002C18920B590
[15:41:22]: [Tooltip]: HookTooltip, table: 000002C294D9B150
[15:41:22]: [Tooltip]: HookBattlePetTooltip, table: 000002C2CFA119B0
[15:41:22]: [Tooltip]: HookBattlePetTooltip, table: 000002C2CFA0C910
[15:41:24]: [Events]: SpamBagQueue, 12
[15:41:24]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 1
[15:41:24]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 2
[15:41:24]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 3
[15:41:24]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 4
[15:41:24]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bag, 0
[15:41:24]: [Events]: SpamBagQueue, totalProcessed, 5
[15:41:24]: [Events]: DoTimer, SaveCraftedReagents, function: 000002C2C1929BF0, 1, nil
[15:41:43]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:43]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:43]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:43]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:41:43]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:43]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:41:52]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:52]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:52]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:52]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:41:52]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:52]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:41:53]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:53]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:53]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:53]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:41:53]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:53]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:41:54]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:54]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:54]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:54]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:41:54]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:54]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:41:55]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:55]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:55]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:55]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:41:55]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:55]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:41:56]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:56]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:41:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:56]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:41:56]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:56]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 154695, 154695, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:41:56]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:56]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 154695, 154695, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:41:56]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:56]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 182716, 182716, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:41:57]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:57]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:57]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:57]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:41:57]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:57]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:41:57]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:57]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:57]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 182716, 182716, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:41:58]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:58]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:58]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 154695, 154695, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:41:59]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:59]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:59]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 154695, 154695, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:41:59]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:59]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:59]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 154695, 154695, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:41:59]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:41:59]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:41:59]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 114821, 114821, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:42:00]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:00]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 114821, 114821, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:42:00]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:00]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, [Lordaeron] Testbank
[15:42:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:00]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 187442, 187442, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 24
[15:42:01]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:01]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:01]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:01]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:01]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:01]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:01]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:01]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:01]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:01]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:01]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:01]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:31]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:31]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:31]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:31]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:31]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:31]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:32]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:32]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:32]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:32]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:32]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:32]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:32]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:32]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:32]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:32]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:32]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:32]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:32]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:32]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:32]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:32]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:32]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:32]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:33]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:33]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:33]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:33]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:33]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:33]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:34]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:34]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, [Lordaeron] Testbank
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 187442, 187442, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 24
[15:42:34]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:34]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:34]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:34]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:34]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:34]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 182716, 182716, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:42:35]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:35]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:35]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 154695, 154695, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:42:38]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:38]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:38]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:38]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:38]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:38]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:40]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:40]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:40]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:40]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:40]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:40]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:40]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:40]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:40]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 182716, 182716, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:42:41]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:41]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:41]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 154695, 154695, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:42:42]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:42]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:42]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 154695, 154695, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:42:42]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:42]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:42]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 154695, 154695, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:42:43]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:43]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:43]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 114821, 114821, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:42:45]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:45]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:46]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 114821, 114821, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:42:46]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:46]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:46]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:46]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit, [Lordaeron] Testbank
[15:42:46]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:46]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 187442, 187442, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 24
[15:42:48]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:48]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:48]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:48]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:48]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:48]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:50]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:50]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:50]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:50]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:50]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:50]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:56]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:56]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:56]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:56]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:42:56]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:56]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:56]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 114821, 114821, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:42:57]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:42:57]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:42:57]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 114821, 114821, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:43:00]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:43:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:43:00]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 114821, 114821, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 0
[15:43:00]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:43:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:43:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:43:00]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:43:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:43:00]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139
[15:43:00]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:43:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:43:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:43:00]: [Tooltip]: ColorizeUnit,  Testchar
[15:43:00]: [Unit]: GetUnitInfo, Testchar, Tichondrius, nil, Alliance, MAGE, VoidElf, 3, nil, nil, Blackmoore;Lordaeron;Tichondrius
[15:43:00]: [Tooltip]: TallyUnits, table: 000002C25C37B610, 5956, 5956, OnTooltipSetItem, nil, 139

I am still logged into this char right now whilst it still is missing the items in the bank from the tooltip, in case you want anything else.

EDIT: Added the info that Testchar also has one normal Hearthstone in his backpack.


I'm currently looking into this. I will see if I can replicate the issue. I have noticed an issue with schematics/patterns not being passed properly. So it could be related.


Thank you very much.
I added some additional info to the schematics/patterns issue.

I'll stay logged into Testchar for as long as I can, in case you want me to do some additional tests. But it might be that I have to leave soonish for a bit. So it might be that he will eventually log out due to inactivity.


It's okay don't worry. I'll try to work with what you have provided me thanks. If I need something else I'll let you know.


Just to make sure, so that I'm focusing just on the issue in the code. This is ONLY when dealing with items the Bank and Guildbank right? It has NOTHING to do with Inventory bags and such?


I'm 90% certain that I've not seen this behavior in regards to the normal bags. At least during all those tests I did today, I've only encoutered it with bank, guild bank and transmogification storage.


The Reagent Bank and the new bag slot that came with DF, I haven't tested.


If there are any test cases that would help determin the cause of this issue, please let me know and I will try my best to provide you with results. :)


Please try the newest version I just released and see if that helps.

What you are describing to me sounds like some sort of server delay in scanning. I don't exactly have this issue on my end but it's worth investigating.

I will need you to use the new BagSync Debug option.
Type /bgs debug

Click on "Enable Debug"

Make sure that DEBUG, INFO, TRACE is enabled. Now visit a bank and it should show you logging information if the bank and guild is bring processed. Please share that information with me here. If I need to, I will add even more debugging lines. But in general it should be storing the data. The only thing I can think of is somehow the client isn't saving the BagSyncDB sometimes when you exit.

Note: When you are done with the BagSync Debug, always remember to turn it off.


Easiest solution for video would be to put it on youtube and set it to private. Then just share the link here.

In terms of what you wrote. The only thing I can think of is somehow, someway, and in some fashion; the event that Blizzard sends to trigger a bank scan is not firing sometimes for you. Which makes no sense at all. 🤣 So lets try adding a few debug lines to those events and see if we can figure it out.


I will figure this out if it's the last thing I do. XD


I sent you a PM on curseforge. At least I tried to. xD


Okay so lets try something different. Use this version of BagSync. I added additional debugging stuff. (Hopefully you know how to manually install addons.)

P.S: I added a new "Clear" button for the debug screen to clear the bagsync debug log screen.

  1. Open up BagSync Debug
  2. Make sure that only DEBUG and INFO is checked.
  3. Enable BagSync Debug and open the Bank window.
  4. Close the Bank Window.

If a successful scan has been done to the Bank on Retail. It should look like this.

[08:16:03]: [Scanner]: SaveBank, nil, true
[08:16:03]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, -1
[08:16:03]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 6
[08:16:03]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 7
[08:16:03]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 8
[08:16:03]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 9
[08:16:03]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 10
[08:16:03]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 11
[08:16:03]: [Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 12
[08:16:03]: [Scanner]: SaveReagents, true
  1. Unit should show PLAYER_INTERACTION_MANAGER_FRAME_SHOW as frame 8, which is the Bank
  2. Events should do the same thing as above.
  3. Scanner should now SaveBank with the second option being true.
  4. Scanner will save each individual bag found in the bank -1, 6-12.
  5. If you have Reagents unlocked, it will scan that as well with the first option being true.
  6. When you close the Bank the PLAYER_INTERACTION_MANAGER_FRAME_HIDE should fire for Units and Event. With frame number 8.

That is the correct process for saving stuff at the bank. If the above is NOT happening when you visit a bank. Then something is stalling the process. That is why I added additional debug lines. We need to see why the function calls are not being triggered.

Let me take a look at your video :) Remember to use the BagSync I provided above.


I cannot reproduce this problem at all. I've tried several different methods and various characters and every single one scans the bank and guildbank just fine. When I hover over the item in the bank, it displays the correct information. Meaning that the ( Blacksmith Hammer is showing up for both my bags and my bank. I just don't know what else could be going wrong on your end. If you can make a video that would be fantastic as like I said I cannot seem to reproduce this issue. 😄

Try this new version of BagSync. I added extra debugging for the bags and such. You will need to enable "FINE" in the debug window.

I created a testing character on RETAIL. Not sure if you are playing on WOTLK or Classic.

  1. Login to my testing character called Hathon.
  2. I have on this chacter 3 Blacksmith Hammer in the bags and 4 Blacksmith Hammer in the bank.
  3. I go to BagSync Profiles and delete the profile for Hathon.
  4. I logout
  5. I login again
  6. Hover over the Blacksmith Hammer in my bags and it shows I have 3 in my bags. None in the bank.
  7. I open the Bank.
  8. I hover over the Blacksmith Hammer in the bank and it shows that I have 3 in my bags and 4 in my bank. So the information is being displayed properly.

I want to point out that I did this test ONLY on the regular bank. Not the guildbank. If you are ONLY using the guildbank to do this problem, then you need to tell me. I'm not sure if you are referring to the regular bank or guildbank when performing your debug stuff.

I tried several different login/logout and deleting of profiles (even on another character I made temporarily). Nothing I do seems to replicate the issue you are getting. My stuff just scans properly when opening the bank and guild bank. See if your friend has the same issue.


Ok, I've recorded a video showing exactly the issue. Is there a way to share this video privately with you?

Also I thought a bit about the issue. I do think the crucial information to at least find out what happens, is what happens when you do open the bank. As the missing information in the tooltip is only the result of something that happens somewhere else.
When everything works, I can just log into any char, open the bank, not mouse over anything, log out and the data is in SavedVariables. So I assume the mouse-over dialog is just "documenting" an issue, not causing one. Can you add a debug information that logs what happens when you open a bank?

When things are broken, the debug window shows nothing when opening bank.
When things work, debug shows this, when opening the bank (5 items, 5 reagents):

[Scanner]: SaveBank, nil
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, -1
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, -1, itemID
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, -1, itemID
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, -1, itemID
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, -1, itemID
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, -1, itemID
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 6
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 7
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 8
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 9
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 10
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 11
[Scanner]: SaveBag, bank, 12
[Scanner]: SaveReagents
[Scanner]: SaveBag, reagents, -3
[Scanner]: SaveBag, reagents, -3, itemID
[Scanner]: SaveBag, reagents, -3, itemID
[Scanner]: SaveBag, reagents, -3, itemID
[Scanner]: SaveBag, reagents, -3, itemID
[Scanner]: SaveBag, reagents, -3, itemID;quantity

So the 100.000€ question is, why is that the case? :)


Hopefully you'll get a message even though this issue is already closed.
I just did more testing and I couldn't reproduce the issues I encountered in the past. :)

Moving items between reagent bag and reagent bank seems a bit wonky though. Sometimes changes don't get picked up and reopening of bag/banks is necessary for that. But this also happens with the version available on curseforge at the moment, so this has nothing to do with the changes you made. I will further investigate this issue and see if I can get a pattern.

So from my perspective you can release this new version.


I did get the response. Thanks for testing it out and getting back to me. Please file a ticket for the other issue with the Reagent bags if you encounter anything. Keep in mind server delays and such when doing tests.