Some currency shows characters with 0 of that currency
Slackluster opened this issue ยท 3 comments
This is somewhat related to #268, but different enough to warrant a separate issue. Basically, title.
What I would love, is if this worked like the item tooltips did, where it doesn't show characters who have 0 of that thing, or if there were an option to toggle it to be like that. I don't know if this is intended behaviour or not, since it only doesn't show characters who have never had the currency at all.
Thank you for putting in the ticket. I'm in the process of doing a major rework in the UI and will take this into consideration when I rework the Currency Module. I might as well since I'm going to be going in that direction lol.
Great to hear! Good luck with the rework, in the meanwhile I'm absolutely loving the addon. :)