Lua error when hovering over guilds in the Sort Order module
Slackluster opened this issue · 6 comments
Though the error does not seem to hinder functionality.
8x BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua:234: attempt to concatenate field 'realmKey' (a nil value)
[string "@BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua"]:234: in function `Item_OnEnter'
[string "@BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua"]:205: in function `RefreshList'
[string "@BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua"]:55: in function `update'
[string "@SharedXML/HybridScrollFrame.lua"]:193: in function `HybridScrollFrame_SetOffset'
[string "@SharedXML/HybridScrollFrame.lua"]:30: in function <SharedXML/HybridScrollFrame.lua:29>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetValue'
[string "@SharedXML/HybridScrollFrame.lua"]:65: in function <SharedXML/HybridScrollFrame.lua:57>
self = <table> {
UpdateList = <function> defined @BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua:100
Enable = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:290
NewModule = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:231
warningFrame = Frame {
EnableModule = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:328
modules = <table> {
GetModule = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:206
IterateEmbeds = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:438
defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
OnShow = <function> defined @BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua:91
SetDefaultModulePrototype = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:405
name = "BagSync_SortOrder"
IsEnabled = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:447
orderedModules = <table> {
DisableModule = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:346
RefreshList = <function> defined @BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua:164
IsModule = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:213
SetDefaultModuleState = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:383
scrollFrame = ScrollFrame {
SetEnabledState = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:420
sortorderList = <table> {
enabledState = true
frame = Frame {
SetDefaultModuleLibraries = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:363
baseName = "BagSync"
SortBox_OnEnterPressed = <function> defined @BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua:246
Item_OnLeave = <function> defined @BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua:242
CreateList = <function> defined @BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua:109
IterateModules = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:433
OnEnable = <function> defined @BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua:20
Disable = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:310
Item_OnEnter = <function> defined @BagSync/modules/sortorder.lua:221
moduleName = "SortOrder"
GetName = <function> defined @BagSync/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:275
defaultModuleState = true
btn = Button {
0 = <userdata>
Highlight = Texture {
parentHandler = <table> {
Text = FontString {
data = <table> {
HeaderHighlight = Texture {
DetailsHighlight = Texture {
Background = Texture {
SortBox = EditBox {
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = GameTooltip {
0 = <userdata>
SetQuestLogRewardSpell = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:440
ItemTooltip = Frame {
SetHyperlink = <function> defined =[C]:-1
SetAzeriteEssence = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:440
SetVoidDepositItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
AllTheThingsOnTooltipClearedHook = true
SetSocketGem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
SetLootCurrency = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:440
SetWorldCursor = <function> defined @FrameXML/GameTooltip.lua:952
SetLootItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
GetSpell = <function> defined @FrameXML/GameTooltip.lua:990
SetQuestLogSpecialItem = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:440
SetRecipeReagentItem = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:440
SetMerchantItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
BottomOverlay = Texture {
SetSocketedRelic = <function> defined @SharedXML/Tooltip/TooltipDataHandler.lua:440
ProcessInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1
NineSlice = Frame {
SetInventoryItem = <function> defined =[C]:-1
SetUnitDebuffByAuraInstanceID = <function>
I need to verify something as your guild listing should have had a realmKey. (which is what is causing the error).
Which guild btw did it error out when you hovered over it? That way I can do a comparison with the information you provide below.
Please do the following.
- type
/bgs debug
- Check to Enable the Debug
- Make sure only "DEBUG" is selected.
- Press "Clear"
- Press "Iterate Units"
- Press Export and copy and paste the info here for me.
[15:37:46]: [Unit]: GetPlayerInfo, Tag, Bloodscalp, Horde, MAGE, BloodElf, Casual Collectors©
[15:37:46]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:38:49]: [Unit]: GetPlayerInfo, Potentag, Bloodscalp, Alliance, MAGE, Gnome, Neder gaan op Fristi©
[15:38:49]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
It's those two guilds, the error triggers when mousing over either of them.
[15:37:46]: [Unit]: GetPlayerInfo, Tag, Bloodscalp, Horde, MAGE, BloodElf, Casual Collectors© [15:37:46]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
[15:38:49]: [Unit]: GetPlayerInfo, Potentag, Bloodscalp, Alliance, MAGE, Gnome, Neder gaan op Fristi© [15:38:49]: [Data]: IterateUnits, nil, nil
It's those two guilds, the error triggers when mousing over either of them.
Hmmm that is a bit unusual. I think it's not grabbing the realm data on your server when called. That is an even BIGGER problem for a few parts of the addon. Sometimes each server acts differently when specific functions are called via code early in the login or startup process. It causes a whole lot of issues for addon authors. So I will do a few checks for this on the realmKey.
Try this version of BagSync.
If you don't know how to install addons manually, just extract that to following directory. (You may want to delete the BagSync that's already there or you can overwrite it, up to you.)
WOW INSTALL Directory\_retail_\Interace\Addons\
Change _retail_
to whatever version of WOW you are playing (WOTLK, Classic) if not playing on Retail (Live) version.
Let me know if the tooltip works now AND that the RealmKey is showing in the Tooltip. It should not be a question mark, "?". It should be showing your realm for that guild. If it does show a question mark then go to your Guild Bank and open it, close it once it's finished scanning and then check again. The realmKey should be showing.
Please provide a screenshot of the tooltip if you can. :)
Okay it's what I thought, it looks like you never really went to the Guild Bank at any of those guilds. This is why the realmKey was never written into the database. It also explains why it's showing a Panda (neutral) icon for the faction of the guild.
I'm glad it worked. I will add a few more checks just to make sure before pushing it live. Thanks again for your help!