


[Bug?] Currency tab tooltips

zeenk opened this issue ยท 36 comments


I have this setting enabled to only show the tooltips in search but I still see the tooltip info in default currency tab


Hello there! Terribly sorry for the delay, I've been out of town for the last few days. That's actually not a bug. A long time ago there were were a couple of people that didn't want the item totals to show up in any of their bags except in the BagSync Search window. The exception to this was the currency counts which is calculated separately than item counts. Instead, they still wanted currency counts to show up as long as you were hovering over the currency in the tab which is out of the way, unlike bags which are used often. Perhaps the description of that feature should be updated to mention item counts specifically. In addition I suppose I can add an option to hide currency counts in the currency window as well. I'll have to think on it and see if it's a worthwhile addition.


Hello there! Terribly sorry for the delay, I've been out of town for the last few days. That's actually not a bug. A long time ago there were were a couple of people that didn't want the item totals to show up in any of their bags except in the BagSync Search window. The exception to this was the currency counts which is calculated separately than item counts. Instead, they still wanted currency counts to show up as long as you were hovering over the currency in the tab which is out of the way, unlike bags which are used often. Perhaps the description of that feature should be updated to mention item counts specifically. In addition I suppose I can add an option to hide currency counts in the currency window as well. I'll have to think on it and see if it's a worthwhile addition.

No worries :)
Yeah I was already using character info display from Baganator for the tooltips so was a bit annoying to have double displays for that so had to disable the BagSync currency module entirely, an option to disable BagSync info in default currency tab would be nice to have though so I could still get to use the currency module in BagSync in case I'd want to check a currency that my current character does not have ๐Ÿ˜„



Yep that is definitely a bug. Odd, it shouldn't be doing that at all. I'll have to see what's going on with the tooltip capture. Thanks for reporting it. I'll look into it.

Also yes Tenders where blacklisted as they are a account-wide currency. It was summing up the same amount for multiple characters. 30+30+30+30 etc... instead of just 30.


Yep that is definitely a bug. Odd, it shouldn't be doing that at all. I'll have to see what's going on with the tooltip capture. Thanks for reporting it. I'll look into it.

Also yes Tenders where blacklisted as they are a account-wide currency. It was summing up the same amount for multiple characters. 30+30+30+30 etc... instead of just 30.

For the tenders issue, you could maybe add a special check to ONLY displaying the current character and only grab the tenders amount from 1 character so it atleast still works in the currency module? ๐Ÿ˜›


Yep that is definitely a bug. Odd, it shouldn't be doing that at all. I'll have to see what's going on with the tooltip capture. Thanks for reporting it. I'll look into it.
Also yes Tenders where blacklisted as they are a account-wide currency. It was summing up the same amount for multiple characters. 30+30+30+30 etc... instead of just 30.

For the tenders issue, you could maybe add a special check by ONLY displaying the current character and the tenders amount for that one so it atleast still works? ๐Ÿ˜›

Believe it or not, I had it that way before. People still complained. They said they wanted to see the counts for the other characters, not knowing it's account wide. Then they would file a ticket saying it's "broken" lol. Then there was a number of people that just wanted it blacklisted since it was only really necessary at the trader itself. XD I can never satisfy everyone.


Oh lol, I see. You could add a text at the bottom in the tenders tooltip under the character that says (This currency is account-wide) to avoid issues with people thinking it's broken so other people still can use it to see their current amount while browsing the currency module in BagSync, but yeah do whatever you think is best there for the addon. (if you still want to blacklist it or not) ๐Ÿ˜›


Currency module in BagSync also broke with this latest test build, you have to hold the mod key for it to show now


Yeah the alt key is required for the currency window because it's for "BagSync Tooltips" outside of the BagSync windows. That includes currency window. The reason it doesn't show up right away is because blizzard doesn't push a tooltip update on the Currency window like they do in the bags. So you have to hold alt BEFORE you hover over something.

There was a slight bug though with the BagSync Currency that I just fixed as well.


Yeah you don't see any tooltip data in search window on old versions as well if you have mod key enabled :P


So summary for what you should investigate when you have access to PTR again:

If mod key enabled:

  • BagSync Search window tooltips doesn't work at all even when holding the mod key, Currency module tooltips works though Have to hold mod key before hovering the items for tooltip data to show
  • Blizzard currency tab tooltip is always showing (mod key not working)

It may be a bug that was introduced with some of the changes I did. The tooltip should work on the BagSync search window without the modifier. Once the PTR server goes back up I'll check. I don't have an active subscription, so all my debugging is done on the PTR servers.

I see, I can revert to an old version and see if the issue is the same there

That's so crazy. I remember it working on an older version I had when I implemented it. >.> Maybe I forgot to save the changes when I pushed it.


Oh nvm it does work in bagsync search as well, I thought it worked the same as the bags that you can hold shift while hovering over the item to trigger the display but you have to hold the mod key BEFORE you hover for it to show in BagSync


The blizzard currency tab is still an issue though, doesn't respect the mod key so it's always showing the characters


Here is the latest changes


I found the issue, it looks like somehow the modifier check for the BagSync window was never pushed. I fixed that and also added the code for the Currency Window.


Great, I can test and confirm for ya if you need any help with that :)


For the blizzard currency tab tooltips you have to hold the mod key before hovering on the currency for it to show is that intended? on items in bags it can show the character when already having the tooltip open and then press the mod key


The bagsync search tooltip info works atleast ๐Ÿ‘


For the blizzard currency tab tooltips you have to hold the mod key before hovering on the currency for it to show is that intended? on items in bags it can show the character when already having the tooltip open and then press the mod key

Like this, see how it updates as I press my mod key, but it doesn't update if I do it on the currency items


Please test out this experimental version. Let me know if the currency window functions properly now.

In addition can you check to see that ONLY your character is shown for the tenders with a note for it being account-wide?

Let me know if it works please. Otherwise I'm just going to blacklist it again.


Perfect, everything works now ๐Ÿ‘



Might have found another bug though with the modifier key setting for people that use that.

If you set it to ALT for example it doesn't work in BagSync search window when you hold down ALT to toggle the data, it only seem to work in bags, didn't test bank and in both blizzard and the currency module it's always showing the data even if you have it set to only show when holding ALT



Might have found another bug though with the modifier key setting for people that use that.

If you set it to ALT for example it doesn't work in BagSync search window when you hold down ALT to toggle the data, it only seem to work in bags, didn't test bank and in both blizzard and the currency module it's always showing the data even if you have it set to only show when holding ALT


That's by design. It's supposed to work that way. The modifier is only for stuff outside of the BagSync windows.


@zeenk okay thanks for testing, I'll go ahead and push the updated fixes then.


Let me double check that, but the modifier should only affect stuff outside of the BagSync windows.


That's by design. It's supposed to work that way. The modifier is only for stuff outside of the BagSync windows.

So you would have to click the key icon to see tooltip data inside BagSync search everytime if you use tooltip modifier? nothing shows on hover and nothing happens when holding ALT


For me it breaks the tooltip data displays in BagSync search window


My settings if you want to try to replicate the issue:



It may be a bug that was introduced with some of the changes I did. The tooltip should work on the BagSync search window without the modifier. Once the PTR server goes back up I'll check. I don't have an active subscription, so all my debugging is done on the PTR servers.


That's by design. It's supposed to work that way. The modifier is only for stuff outside of the BagSync windows.

It works as intended on bag items, but it's always active on Blizzard currency tooltips


It may be a bug that was introduced with some of the changes I did. The tooltip should work on the BagSync search window without the modifier. Once the PTR server goes back up I'll check. I don't have an active subscription, so all my debugging is done on the PTR servers.

I see, I can revert to an old version and see if the issue is the same there


The reason it doesn't show up right away is because blizzard doesn't push a tooltip update on the Currency window like they do in the bags. So you have to hold alt BEFORE you hover over something.

Oh okay, I see... yeah everything seems to be good in this build. Ready for pushing. Thanks for the quick fixes ๐Ÿ‘


Alrighty, I'll go ahead and close this one with a push. If you catch anything else, file a new ticket. It's easier to track that way.


Sure :)


Thanks for adding the option ๐Ÿ˜„ however, I found a bug(?) If you disable the "Display BagSync tooltip data in the Blizzard Currency window." it also disabled the tooltip data in BagSync currency module, which I assume was not intended?


Also noticed that Trader's Tenders currency does not work in BagSync, probably because it's an account-wide currency
