


No longer totals across all servers

bubfeeld opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Prior to 11.02 i would get a total of an item across all servers, now it seems to be just the same server totals.


If the server is cross realm then it should get tallied. They may have changed which servers are cross servers. Otherwise you may need to check the BNET option in BagSync. I pushed a new update today that may help.


it used to tally across all servers, whether they were connected or not, i may not be understanding,lol

Ok it seems to be working now:O)

Though the currencies on the currency tab dont total at all , pretty sure they did before 11.0.2


Ok, on my Remix toon, im seeing the same behavior as my OG issue here, it only totals current server totals on the currency tab.

It seems any physical currency totals across all servers fine, its the non physical currencies that are not totalled.


Okay so the item counts across servers is fixed. The issue you are referring to now is the currencies? I'm a little confused. Can you show screenshots or something?


Okay so the item counts across servers is fixed. The issue you are referring to now is the currencies? I'm a little confused. Can you show screenshots or something?

yah ill try and get a SS to you, but yah , the currencies that you physically have in your inventory total across servers just fine, but the ones listed on the currency tab that are NOT physical dont total at all


OOOOOOOHH you just want a [Total] on the Currency tooltip? Is that it?


OOOOOOOHH you just want a [Total] on the Currency tooltip? Is that it?

yah, it was nice to see, bagbrother used to do it, Althohlic too, but for some reason they stopped, then i found your addon, and it was all i wanted:O)

Having a total across all toons across all servers made it so much easier to see how many Pet charms i had to buy stuff with was great!