


Bar 9 not shown correctly on characters with stances

iondune opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Bar 9 is behaving weirdly for me on two of my characters:

  • On my Mage, it shows up fine and I use all 10 bars.
  • On my Druid, I have bars 7, 8, and 9 set up as stance pages for bar 1 for Cat, Prowl, and Bear (respectively). If I enable these 3 bars, they show up on my screen when in any stance (and are paged correctly) except for Bar 9, which is only visible when I am in any form (not only Bear).
  • On my Priest, I have no bars set up as stance bars (I don't have a Shadow spec), and I am not able to see Bar 9 at all.

Specifics about being able to "see" Bar 9: It shows up when bars are unlocked and can be moved around (and settings like Show Grid are visible in this mode when toggled) but as soon as I lock it, it's not visible and spells can't be dropped onto it. Bars 1-8 and bar 10 all work perfectly fine, and I went through all the settings between working bars and I can't see anything that's missing.