


Blank Chat Copy Pane

Feral4 opened this issue ยท 9 comments


After playing for a short time, double-clicking a chat window to try and copy text results in a blank pane rather than visible text. The window isn't interactible--I can't try to highlight invisible text, it's just blank and click-through.

It doesn't seem to occur due to combat or any particular series of key-presses, so far as I can tell. I can't figure out where BCM saves its settings (aka Saved Variables) in order to fully reset the addon, so I can't be sure it's not on my end.


Are you sure this is BCM? The BCM hotkey is shift-click not double-click.

Are you trying to say this doesn't always happen?


Shift-click, yeah sorry! And it doesn't happen when logging in, and a bit afterward. It always occurs, but only after some playtime. Then it turns blank, and uninteractible, and remains that way until reload. A bunch of my friends who use it are also having this issue. I've tried deleting the addon & its WTF components and reinstalling, but still have the same problem. I'll try running BCM with no other addons to see; maybe it's a conflict if not everyone has encountered it.

Ex. log in, everything's fine, then after 10 minutes or so, the copy pane becomes blank and remains that way until reload.

I hope this is clearer.


Hi, I don't think this is a conflict. I'm not sure what would cause it, need to figure out a reproducible situation.


Okay, I -think- it goes blank after sending a whisper. It's been consistently doing that even just after log-in. It also goes blank at other times, though, but maybe this can help? I tried enabling lua errors but nothing's popping up, but that may be a UI issue on my end :|


i can confirm this issue,

shift clicking the General tab and just a blank (black) screen :'(



Thanks but I don't need the issue "confirmed" I need a way to reproduce it.


Heya! Have you tried sending a whisper? This consistently clears the chat frame for me.


i don't think i sent a Bnet whisper in that session (only normal whisper as you can see :p)

and Funkydude i would like nothing else to help you reproduce this, just like Feral said there are no Lua's that show or something special to hint (like a taint) ... ,

any idea's ? on that regard


@ first glance your fix seems to be working :D, bit funny to see "protected text" in the list ^^