


8.2 issue's

reaper666735 opened this issue ยท 17 comments



ever since patch 8.2 came out i have been getting "Interface action failed because of an AddOn" (as can be expected :p), but never really getting an error to report ...

so i enabled the TaintLog and i have been getting these:

Execution tainted by BasicChatMods while reading INTERFACE_ACTION_BLOCKED_SHOWN - Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:5293 DisplayInterfaceActionBlockedMessage()
Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3188 CheckProtectedFunctionsAllowed()
Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:103 WorldMapFrame:SetDisplayState()
Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:41 WorldMapFrame:HandleUserActionToggleSelf()
Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_WorldMap\Blizzard_WorldMap.lua:413 ToggleWorldMap()

ofc i know the taintlog is not 100% accurate and i have no idea if this is really from BCM, i thought it was still worth to report :p


Also, did this happen during combat?


It doesn't seem to be BCM, but alas, it is getting the blame.
Do you have a text editor installed capable of doing a search in multiple Lua files?
Could you do a search in your addons folder for ToggleWorldMap to see if you have an addon triggering this function?


it is possible this happened during combat after awhile it's hard to keep it straight :p ,

doing a search i found many seem to be "tainted" by the world map toggle , but ofc try and pinpoint the culprit xD


You didn't really answer the question in regards to doing a search :D
Also are you saying you pressed the "M" keybinding and this happened?


my apologies i must have been reading in a hurry xD , i read i had to look over the Lua errors in the TaintLog for more ToggleWorldMap instances :p

i have Notepad++ for Lua files and the standard windows editors, what did you have in mind ?


i seem unable to edit my previous post for some reason :p (and uploading a screenshot ...),

anyway using Notepad++ "Search" function i got a phew hits in the Interface folder:



Did you activate something in "classic quest log" when this issue occured?
Does the issue still occur if you disable the "classic quest log" addon?
You will probably need to test this in combat.


Please stick to the topic:

Does the issue still occur if you disable the "classic quest log" addon?


besides the addon being active (works with a small temp fix) i did not activate anything :)

i sometimes do have to disable the addon to see a quest frame, but after re-enabling it i can continue like nothing ever happened so probably a random taint or something

this may be a weird request but could you maybe give some tips/help to Gello (addon author) about this ?, he seems to be having issue's getting this fully fixed ...

"Curseforge Quote"

Quote from gello3 >>

I've managed to fix many of the SetPoint issues with strategic (and some less-than strategic) use of QuestFrame:ClearAllPoints(), but there are use cases where this is still failing.

The error messages Blizzard provides are not helpful and slathering debug code throughout the addon is not helping to pinpoint the remaining issues.

I'm going to take a break from this for the rest of the day and revisit it when I'm less frustrated.

so yeah any help would mean the world to us :)

and ty for the continued support with this!


i disabled CQL and went into combat, not getting the same "exact" error but i just got these related to BCM:

Global variable SLASH_BasicChatMods1 tainted by BasicChatMods - Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicConfig.lua:101 ?()
7/1 09:50:57.468 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:115 ?()
7/1 09:50:57.468 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:7
7/1 09:50:57.468 Global variable SLASH_SMARTGROUP1 tainted by BasicChatMods - Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\smartgroup.lua:13 ?()
7/1 09:50:57.468 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:115 ?()
7/1 09:50:57.468 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:7
7/1 09:50:57.468 Global variable SLASH_SMARTGROUP2 tainted by BasicChatMods - Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\smartgroup.lua:14 ?()
7/1 09:50:57.468 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:115 ?()
7/1 09:50:57.468 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:7

Global variable INTERFACE_ACTION_BLOCKED_SHOWN tainted by BasicChatMods - Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:5296 DisplayInterfaceActionBlockedMessage()
7/1 09:51:17.301 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3188 CheckProtectedFunctionsAllowed()
7/1 09:51:17.301 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3200
7/1 09:51:17.301 ShowUIPanel()
7/1 09:51:17.301 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:103 WorldMapFrame:SetDisplayState()
7/1 09:51:17.301 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:41 WorldMapFrame:HandleUserActionToggleSelf()
7/1 09:51:17.301 Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_WorldMap\Blizzard_WorldMap.lua:413 ToggleWorldMap()
7/1 09:51:17.301 TOGGLEWORLDMAP:1

Execution tainted by BasicChatMods while reading INTERFACE_ACTION_BLOCKED_SHOWN - Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:5293 DisplayInterfaceActionBlockedMessage()
7/1 09:51:19.983 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3188 CheckProtectedFunctionsAllowed()
7/1 09:51:19.983 Interface\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:3200
7/1 09:51:19.983 ShowUIPanel()
7/1 09:51:19.983 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:103 WorldMapFrame:SetDisplayState()
7/1 09:51:19.983 Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogOwnerMixin.lua:51 WorldMapFrame:HandleUserActionToggleQuestLog()
7/1 09:51:19.983 Interface\AddOns\Blizzard_WorldMap\Blizzard_WorldMap.lua:409 ToggleQuestLog()
7/1 09:51:19.983 TOGGLEQUESTLOG:1

could easily be another addon tainting more BCM into the mix ...


looking for similarities in the errors like you showed me earlier i found another addon and disabling that one removes all but one taint:

Global variable SLASH_BasicChatMods1 tainted by BasicChatMods - Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicConfig.lua:101 ?()
7/1 10:04:24.021 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:115 ?()
7/1 10:04:24.021 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:7
7/1 10:04:24.021 Global variable SLASH_SMARTGROUP1 tainted by BasicChatMods - Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\smartgroup.lua:13 ?()
7/1 10:04:24.021 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:115 ?()
7/1 10:04:24.021 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:7
7/1 10:04:24.021 Global variable SLASH_SMARTGROUP2 tainted by BasicChatMods - Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\smartgroup.lua:14 ?()
7/1 10:04:24.021 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:115 ?()
7/1 10:04:24.021 Interface\AddOns\BasicChatMods\BasicCore.lua:7

  1. What was the other addon?
  2. You can safely ignore the "slash" stuff, that's normal.
  3. Does this error actually show in game or only in the framexml log file?
  1. Classic Guild Frame
  2. ok
  3. TaintLog , framexml log is empty as i mentioned i only get the yellow text with "interface action failed because of an addon" so no LUA error frame showed up

but it's safe to say BCM is clear from issue's , it seems 1-2 other addons just prompt the mixup ( besides the SLASH stuff i should ignore :p)


Try re-enabling the quest log addon and see if you still have the issue. It might just be the guild frame addon causing it.


You didn't actually answer if you re-enabled the quest log addon or not so we can see if it's just the guild frame addon or both.


it's been awhile and no issue's so i know now it's not BCM ^^, ty for all your help


I've pushed a new release to try prevent BCM from being blamed from similar issues.