


Clock text no longer displays

thisSIDEofRANDOM opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Curious if you have seen any addon conflicts as after the most recent update my clock text stopped appearing on addon load.


Have you tested with only BM enabled? Do you have MoveAnything installed and have you tried disabling it?


Can you clarify what the issue was?


Hey @funkydude , sorry for digging this issue back up but I recently had a similar problem and wanted to give you some details on what caused it for me.

This is how my minimap looked when I logged on:

I have both "Clock" and "Coordinates" turned on and they showed up as those double dots.

To fix it temporarily I could either do a /reload or go to options and change the Font Size parameter for both (I was selecting the number window and confirming with Enter). But if I close WoW and start it back up I again could see only those dots.

If I disabled all other addons the text would display as it should (only bigger in size). I found that it was Shadowed Unit Frames that was causing the problem, or specifically the Font I used. I had used Myriad Condensed Web on both SUF and BasicMinimap. When I changed the font on BasicMinimap to Friz Quadrata TT (just an example, I guess any font that will be different from the one used in SUF will work) everything worked as it should.


I cannot reproduce this issue @Kamprov despite following your steps.
I'll need you to recreate the issue again and attach your SavedVariables file to this ticket.
You can find this file here:
\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\yourAccountName\SavedVariables\BasicMinimap.lua

You should be able to drag the file straight onto this issue.


Sure, I changed the font back to Myriad Condensed Web, closed the game, and when I logged back on this is how it looked:

Here's the file. Changed the extension to .txt because .lua couldn't be uploaded here.


Thanks very much for attaching that.
Unfortunately it seems to be a bug in WoW itself.
I've worked around it in the latest release but hopefully this will be enough information for me to pass to Blizzard to look into it.