bug on login
Addonman opened this issue ยท 12 comments
Message: Interface/AddOns/BattleGroundEnemies/dbupgrades.lua line 22:
attempt to index local 'destination' (a nil value)
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/PersoLootRoll/Core/Addon.lua"]:597:
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BattleGroundEnemies/dbupgrades.lua"]:22:
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BattleGroundEnemies/dbupgrades.lua"]:75: UpgradeProfile()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BattleGroundEnemies/dbupgrades.lua"]:96: UpgradeProfiles()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BattleGroundEnemies/Main.lua"]:3171: ?()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BattleGroundEnemies/Main.lua"]:2468:
How do you like or it so far? Anything you are missing or any issues with the settings? Or any ideas to improve it?
now is this error poping up with latest aplpha
Message: Interface/AddOns/BattleGroundEnemies/dbupgrades.lua line 95:
attempt to index field 'Text' (a nil value)
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/PersoLootRoll/Core/Addon.lua"]:597:
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BattleGroundEnemies/dbupgrades.lua"]:95: UpgradeProfile()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BattleGroundEnemies/dbupgrades.lua"]:115: UpgradeProfiles()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BattleGroundEnemies/Main.lua"]:1309: ?()
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BattleGroundEnemies/Main.lua"]:598:
hey, i tried to play around getting old savedvariables upgraded to new system but kinda impossible..., newest alpha gets rid of it by resettngi to default settings, not the most elegant solution, but since many settings are global now its impossible to merge many into one. with the new editmode and more global options its much easier to setup, i hope thatss worth it
well i installed new version and wiped my settings with it. I didn't have much of settings so not a problem with me. No errors on login as well .
I'm not sure if these are related but the error happens at some point shortly after logging when moving from world to PvP and back. Main symptom is that the enemy doesn't activate in RBGS (haven't tested other instances).
3x BattleGroundEnemies/Mainframe.lua:458: attempt to index field 'config' (a nil value)
[string "@BattleGroundEnemies/Mainframe.lua"]:458: in function `CheckEnableState'
[string "@BattleGroundEnemies/Main.lua"]:1269: in function `Enable'
[string "@BattleGroundEnemies/Main.lua"]:2258: in function `?'
[string "@BattleGroundEnemies/Main.lua"]:598: in function <BattleGroundEnemies/Main.lua:595>
self = BGEEnemies {
PlayerSources = <table> {
Players = <table> {
NumPlayers = 0
CurrentPlayerOrder = <table> {
ActiveProfile = FontString {
PlayerCount = FontString {
NewPlayersDetails = <table> {
Counter = <table> {
InactivePlayerButtons = <table> {
PlayerType = "Enemies"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'config' (a nil value)"
BattleGroundEnemies = BattleGroundEnemies {
CombatLogevents = <table> {
DebugText = ""
GeneralEvents = <table> {
AllyFaction = 0
states = <table> {
UserButton = BattleGroundEnemiesAlliesframe8 {
EnemyFaction = 1
Allies = BGEAllies {
Editmode = <table> {
RetailEvents = <table> {
BattleGroundDebuffs = <table> {
consts = <table> {
PendingUpdates = <table> {
ArenaIDToPlayerButton = <table> {
Counter = <table> {
UserFaction = "Horde"
enabled = true
UserDetails = <table> {
currentFocus = false
Mixins = <table> {
ClassicEvents = <table> {
PlayerGUIDs = <table> {
options = <table> {
currentTarget = false
db = <table> {
SearchedGUIDs = <table> {
IsRatedBG = false
WrathEvents = <table> {
EditMode = <table> {
CustomEditModeMagnetismManager = <table> {
Enemies = BGEEnemies {
Testmode = <table> {
CurrentMapID = false
ButtonModules = <table> {
specCache = <table> {
Okay, thanks for the report will look into it once I am back home... Wondering what I accidentally might have missed up ๐
@Thaodan So i looked into it, so it seems like the error happend after you got into pvp zone (bg). the addon sets the .config on login event, but on a 0.2 second delay, so my guess it that it wasn't set since you basically went instantly into the bg after login or reload ui. can you confirm this is what happend?
Either way, i just uploaded a new alpha which implements a fix, it should help if my theory is correct
okay, got it, seems like the issue probably has been in the addon for longer, definitley before
its fixed now in the latest alpha, also fixed player dying event handling and priroty icon transparency, should be working fine now