ItemButton.lua:36: attempt to index local 'containerItemInfo' (a nil value)
Tiiara opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Not game breaking ... but still.
19x BaudBag/widgets/buttons/ItemButton.lua:36: attempt to index local 'containerItemInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@BaudBag/widgets/buttons/ItemButton.lua"]:36: in function <BaudBag/widgets/buttons/ItemButton.lua:31>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/AsyncCallbackSystem.lua"]:76: in function `FireCallbacks'
[string "@Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/AsyncCallbackSystem.lua"]:35: in function <.../Blizzard_ObjectAPI/Mainline/AsyncCallbackSystem.lua:31>
containerItemInfo = nil
isNewItem = nil
isBattlePayItem = nil
cacheEntry = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'containerItemInfo' (a nil value)"
AddOnTable = <table> {
Cache = <table> {
ConfigOptions = <table> {
Functions = <table> {
Config = <table> {
Events = <table> {
SettingsCategory = <table> {
BlizzEnum = <table> {
ContainerIdOptionsIndexMap = <table> {
BagsReady = true
TextureHelper = <table> {
Backgrounds = <table> {
SubBags = <table> {
Sets = <table> {
State = <table> {
BlizzAPI = <table> {
Localized = <table> {
BlizzConstants = <table> {
self = BaudBagSubBag1Item17 {
IconOverlay = Texture {
AugmentBorderAnim = AnimationGroup {
flashAnim = AnimationGroup {
icon = BaudBagSubBag1Item17IconTexture {
QuestOverlay = BaudBagSubBag1Item17IconQuestTexture {
itemContextMatchResult = 3
count = 0
SlotIndex = 17
HighlightTexture = Texture {
timeSinceUpgradeCheck = 0
Parent = <table> {
IconBorder = Texture {
IconQuestTexture = BaudBagSubBag1Item17IconQuestTexture {
RarityOptions = <table> {
PushedTexture = Texture {
Stock = BaudBagSubBag1Item17Stock {
NewItemTexture = Texture {
Name = "BaudBagSubBag1Item17"
searchOverlay = BaudBagSubBag1Item17SearchOverlay {
IconOverlay2 = Texture {
showMatchHighlight = true
Count = BaudBagSubBag1Item17Count {
NormalTexture = BaudBagSubBag1Item17NormalTexture {
BattlepayItemTexture = Texture {
isCraftedItem = false
isProfessionItem = false
newitemglowAnim = AnimationGroup {
Cooldown = BaudBagSubBag1Item17Cooldown {
AugmentBorderAnimTexture = Texture {
flash = Texture {
UpgradeIcon = Texture {
BorderFrame = BaudBagSubBag1Item17Border {
BagIndicator = Texture {
ItemContextOverlay = Texture {
ExtendedSlot = Texture {
JunkIcon = Texture {
ItemLevel = FontString {
This seems to be a rare case of "the item I just wanted to process has been moved out of the slot I wanted to read it from". I have reworked the item loading to be more resilient against that, will try to release shortly.