Bears Audio Switcher

Bears Audio Switcher


[1.0] Macro Code

N6REJ opened this issue ยท 0 comments

/run local c="Sound_OutputDriverIndex"; local n,m=Sound_GameSystem_GetNumOutputDrivers(),GetCVar(c); if tonumber(m)>=n-1 then m=1 else m=m+1 end; print(Sound_GameSystem_GetOutputDriverNameByIndex(m)); SetCVar(c,m); AudioOptionsFrame_AudioRestart()

This works in that it shows a display of which sound device its now hooked too.
What we need is a UI that allows them to choose which devices to use and then toggles between those, displaying the selected device.
We want this to be a clickable device however.
Same options as macro does but pre-selectable so its a simple toggle...
like headset/speaker.