


BeeFacts is being discontinued

You can now get your BeeFacts from FunFact!


Facts. About Bees. 

Some example facts for you to inform your companions with:

  • Queens have a stinger, but they dont leave the hive to help defend it
  • When aging bees do jobs usually reserved for younger members, their brain stops aging. In fact, their brain ages in reverse.
  • Honey bees have 3 simple eyes on the top of the head

To use beefacts type /beefact and it will output a fun fact to the chat channel of your choice

Slash Commands:

  • /beefacts or /beefact - Displays the UI
  • /beefact say
  • /beefact party
  • /beefact guild
  • /beefact raid

Currently loaded with more than 115 facts. Have more facts? Send them to me!