Key Binding
WeirDave opened this issue ยท 10 comments
- BeStride version: BeStride-v1.0.21
- WoW version: 9.01
This is a report and a request for assistance. I got the add on from Twitch. It stated:
BeStride is a mount manager that has the following functionality
All in one mount button - Where is this button?
I also tried to use the keybinds. I must have done something wrong and I can't fix it. Any help would be appreciated. Also any suggestions on what keys to use would be great too!
Allows additional keybinds for overriding functionality. See below
Steps to reproduce
I bound the key to my middle mouse button for the "Mount Button" It doesn't seem to work. I tried reassigning it to something else and it doesn't seem to save. I have tried Alt and number. Control and numbers even control shift and number key numbers. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it is stuck on "Button3" when using that it says "[Debug]Fatal:Unmatch (settings.mopuint.emptyrandom)
Expected Behaviour
For the keybinds to operate the program
Actual Behaviour
Debug Output
Bestride Variables
{EDIT} I went back in after I uninstalled and my binds were set to "control 1-4" which now seems to work. The next day they are broken again
@WeirDave Are you still having issues? If so, can you delete your Bestride.lua and try to reinitialize it?
Yes, thank you for your response. I was still unable to get it to work so I actually uninstalled it because it wasn't working for me. can you tell me where that file is located in order to delete it? And I'll give that a shot. I really do want it to work.
Also please reset your keybindings (only these specific ones if you need) before re-enabling it
It is in your WTF\Account\SavedVariables\Bestride.lua
Unable to locate this. I found my WOW folder...
[Edit] found it:
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BeStride
It should be in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\retail\WTF\
If you have deleted anything under addons you have broken the addon and will need to reinstall
I have uninstalled and reinstalled. When I uninstalled I exited the game uninstalled saw it delete the directory. Reinstalled and logged back in only to find that the key bindings were the same. I have tried using the escape to clear the bindings. I exit the GUI and go back in and they are not cleared.
Current key bindings are set for:
Button 3
The buttons do not work.
For the next test, I have removed all other Add-ons to see if there is a compatibility issue. The buttons still don't work. Button 3 on mouse debugs a message that says "
Fatal: Unmatch (settings.mount.emptyrandom)
All seem to work.