Bestride Mount Manager

Bestride Mount Manager


Dismounting while Flying Error

bcrotty opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Dismounting while flying shows the following text in red in my chat:
[Error]This is a error. Please report to the maintainer at ID: MONKBSL

I have it set to allow dismounting while flying, so I'm not sure what the error is. It's also not causing a LUA error.


Does it still dismount?





Just thought I might add to this post to assist a little, I hope?

I am using the current version v1.0.17 US Ally Monk Level 92. I am having the Errors below with the setups explained.


With Don't Dismount selected and going to fly or dismount regardless of in air or not I get these errors. Mind you the addon is still actually working and if I have the item for dismounting to be allowed it works and if it is selected to not work it also does not dismount. The only issue is it is popping the error up and requesting for it to be reported to you. Errors are as follow:

[Debug]Fatal: Unmatch(forcerobot) with Dismount option selected!

[Error]This is a error. Please report to the maintainer at https://dansheps/bestride/issues/.ID:MONKBSL. This comes up with you have Dismount option unselected only!

Again no Lua errors at all as described correctly by Bcrotty. But the addon is actually working as intended and wanted to make sure you were aware that it is working, just getting the debug errors and other related errors. I do hope this helps a little. I also tried in a few different zones, as in Ironforge and Stormwind. I have also transferred my toon over to Horde and will advise if the same problem exists on both factions or not?




Just a little bit more information. It is doing it on all my toons that I played today. As in the error, which I think is simply debugging on and not being needed? Same error and everything works perfectly on all toons and all class options as well. Hope this helps even further, I don't know about it being simply cosmetic or debugging simply being on?

All the best,



Good, this sounds like it is more of a cosmetic bug, I will try and get it sorted.