[Feature]: stationary groups
Superfly344 opened this issue · 3 comments
Describe the feature
I love the concept that adibags did and that you're continuing doing, however, the group constantly moving locations during selling or equiping/using makes it annoying to rehunt down the item. Is there anyway to set up the window to be a certain size and then have the groups stay in the locations while bag is open, or even constant would be nice. appreciate your time :).
Describe the implementation
just an option for static group location in the bags.
Right now, groups and items do not shift if you sell them, but shift if you buy or do a 1:1 swap. There's no real way to keep sections and windows static physically, because as items are put in the bag, they have to go somewhere -- this means I need to make room to draw them.
You should not be seeing items shift when selling items. Can you confirm this behavior?
you are correct about the items not shifting during selling, i apologize, and the items needing a place to go makes sense, is there a way to prioritize in which order the sections appear than?
ty again for your time :)