


Category titles persist after closing bag window

joao44289 opened this issue · 14 comments


Addon Version


World of Warcraft Version


Describe the bug

Sometimes after closing the bag window some category titles persist and only go away after a /reload.

Steps to reproduce

  1. It seems to happen at random times so not sure what are the steps to reproduce it.

That's odd! I'll hunt this down and fix it asap.


not sure if this info helps but the titles retain some (buggy) responsiveness like being clickable and showing a tooltip on hover:



oh i found something! it seems to only happen when "Use UI Scale" is checked in System > Graphics.



this happens to me as well with all category titles of bank bags. they stay after closing the bank and only a /reload will fix it. surprisingly the bug occurs even after disabling all other addons.

thanks for looking into this!



I'm having a hard time reproducing this, but this part of the code was slated for a rewrite anyway.

If possible, can you detail the exact order in which you caused this to happen?


This is a huge red flag for me, wow, I had no idea! I wish I could have helped with this sooner.

I only mentioned it to narrow down the issue. :) as it is only when using the bank it didn't affect me too much and I figured it was because of early development.

I've now tried the X button, Escape key and walking way. Same results for all three.


my screenshot above only involves 2 steps:

  1. Talk to Banker
  2. Close Bank window

some other things I noticed:

  • I've now deleted BetterBags.lua in SavedVariables but that didn't change anything.
  • I don't use custom categories
  • it never happens to the regular bags
  • I've always had the issue at the bank since I started using BetterBags a couple of months ago.
  • It also doesn't matter if I try it after logging in or after hours of playing
    edited to add:
  • It is not character specific

I've always had the issue at the bank since I started using BetterBags a couple of months ago.

This is a huge red flag for me, wow, I had no idea! I wish I could have helped with this sooner.

When you close the bank, do you hit the X button, or do you walk away? What exactly do you do to close the bank?


some additional info:

so it only happens when enabling the checkbox AND using 100% scaling. The category headers behave normally with the checkbox disabled or on any other scaling factor, even 99% or 101%.

why do I check the box but keep the setting at 100%? well it does change the UI size compared to not checking it... I'm using a 3440x1440 high(-ish) DPI monitor so text & ui are a bit small when NOT checking the box.

so as a workaround, using 99% or 101% works for me :) hope it helps @joao44289 as well


wow! that's crazy -- i'll see if i can hunt this down later tonight


this fixed it for me regardless of scaling on/off or slider setting. thanks! :D


Alright, thanks to @zeptognome for the help, we fixed the bug. Putting out a release soon for this.


Some more info, we definitely think this is a bug in Blizzard's code, as I don't think this should have been happening as-is. We implemented a fix (thought admittedly, it's something we should have done all along) and is out in the latest alpha build.


This has been fixed and deployed.