[Feature]: Anchoring and locking windows
beta1010100 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Describe the feature
one of the reasons I haven't made the switch from AdiBags yet is not being able to anchor and lock the windows. Will/Could this be added?
Describe the implementation
Basically the same as it is in AdiBags. Having an anchor in the bottom right corner (mabye even changeable to the other corners?) and being able to lock the window in place, so the windows "grows" from there.
And in addition having the bank window to position itself next to the bags, so they don't overlap.
Came here asking the same. Now it anchors from the top left and grows downwards. But I have it on the right above a panel, rather than it now growing over the panel, I want it to grow upwards from an anchor at the bottom right please.
thirding this. i would also love to see ability to anchor the bank window relative to the bag window.