[Feature]: Include gem socketing window in "Unmerge at Shop" (or new option) [MOP Remix][Feature]:
thetakerfan opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Describe the feature
Similar to #379
Currently can only socket one gem at a time when stacked in the BetterBags UI in MOP Remix
Describe the implementation
Include socketing window in "Unmerge at Shop" or add additional option
Nah, agreed not worth the hassle. My bad on not verifying it wasn't a virtual stack just seemed to behave similarly and assumed so.
Gems are not virtual BetterBags stacks, they are Blizzard stacks -- I don't control the stacking of gems. I also don't see a way to split stacks programmatically to fix this behavior. Your best bet is to ask Blizzard to fix this.