


[Feature]: Being Able to Search for Text within an items tooltip

LordDrago opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the feature

Ex: Most items that give you say +Skill Points for any profession have the word "Study". It would be nice to type Study in the search bar to have it find those items in your bag. Same with searching for gear, typing Hand, Waist, Weapon, or the actual type Gun, Bow, Dagger, Trinket, etc, so you can find those pieces faster. When searching for specific crafting ingredients typing the profession name & having it show you all of the reagents in that profession. A good example of these more refined searching capabilities I've seen in Bagnon's bag search before switching to BetterBags.

Describe the implementation

Just a more robust search that can actually search in the items description, not just the item's name.