Better Vendor Price

Better Vendor Price


possible additional features

mooreatv opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Maybe make a separate AH addon or add

  • SortAuctionItems("list", "buyout")
    to sort by buyout instead of bid

  • some option maybe for the order of the vendor price

  • some option to hide the vendor price in bfa (not that items needing repair have a different price, at least in classic, basically the difference between repair cost and sell price)

full fledged api QueryAuctionItems

  • dump all QueryAuctionItems("",nil,nil,0,0,0,true)
    (if canQuery,canQueryAll = CanSendAuctionQuery() is true; then batch,count = GetNumAuctionItems("list") then GetAuctionItemLink and/or? GetAuctionItemInfo)

there is a unitprice arg!