Better Wardrobe and Transmog

Better Wardrobe and Transmog


Bug: Toggle Hide Armor Slot does not function on Chest Slot when Item is Robe

Sagesx opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Summary: When using the Hide Armor Slots button when viewing Sets or Extra Sets, Setting Toggle Hidden View to ON (ticked) and selecting Chest slot, does not appear to function if the item in the set is a Robe Texture (an item that covers the chest and legs simtaenously).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Appearances
  2. Select Sets or Extra Tab
  3. Select a set with a Robe
  4. Select Hide Armor Slots
  5. Tick Toggle Hidden View
  6. Tick Chest slot

Expected Result: Chest slot is hidden.

Actual Result: Chest slot is not hidden. Works as expected on sets that use Chest items that are not robes. (i.e. they are tunic-like textures or only cover the upper half of the body.)
