Better Wardrobe and Transmog

Better Wardrobe and Transmog


Issue #179 is back: Conflict with Addon Wardrobe Enhanced (formerly Legion Wardrobe)

chasaya opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Issue seems to be the exact same as #179:
While BetterWardrobe is enabled, none of Wardrobe Enhanced's features are available. There is no LUA error, it's just as if the addon is not loaded at all (although my addon list shows it as enabled). When I disable BetterWardrobe, Wardrobe Enhanced is working fine.
I was unsure whether I could/should reopen #179, so feel free to close this one and reopen #179 if it is more convenient for you. Thanks a bunch!


The reason that it appears that Wardrobe Enhanced isn't working is because that modifies the default collection pages, while BetterWardrobe creates custom pages to help prevent taint issues from changing Blizzard's stuff. I had tried to integrate it into the default frames, which allowed me to write some hooks to allow compatability with Wardrobe Enhanced. I had to scrap the integration due to other issues, whihch unfortunately broke the compatability. Im currentyl in the process of reworking the compatibility plugin & implementing similar features. Just finished adding color wheel filtering and recolor filtering to this addon. I should have release with these fixes out in a day or so.