Color picker
HyperMac opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Sorry to still bother, but for whatever reason the color picker tool is not working properly, and does not let me pick a color.
I had "Can i mog it" installed before. but made sure it was uninstalled, reinstalled "BetterWardrobe" from scratch, made sure only it and bug grabber were enabled, and still got the same issue.
3427x Usage: local appearances = C_TransmogCollection.GetCategoryAppearances(category, transmogLocation)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `GetCategoryAppearances'
[string "@CanIMogIt\code.lua"]:409: in function <CanIMogIt\code.lua:404>
[string "@CanIMogIt\code.lua"]:456: in function <CanIMogIt\code.lua:452>
[string "@CanIMogIt\code.lua"]:502: in function <CanIMogIt\code.lua:496>
(*temporary) = "Usage: local appearances = C_TransmogCollection.GetCategoryAppearances(category, transmogLocation)"
Wanted to verify, having same issue with color select as well as "Sort By" dropdown
4280x Usage: local sources = C_TransmogCollection.GetAppearanceSources(appearanceID, categoryType, transmogLocation)
[string "=[C]:"]: in function 'GetAppearanceSources'
[string "@FrameXML\CollectionsUtil.lua"]:76: in function <FrameXML\CollectionsUtil.lua:75>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@BetterWardrobe\Modules\SortingFunctions.lua"]:143: in function ...e\BetterWardrobe\Modules\SortingFunctions.lua:138