Better Wardrobe and Transmog

Better Wardrobe and Transmog


4.7 new sorting does not prioritize favorites

Ketrel opened this issue ยท 3 comments


It looks like the sorting changed and the sets are showing alphabetically now (yay!)

But one issue is favorites aren't floating to the top. They're interspersed alphabetically as well. (Albeit with a star icon)


(Uncommenting the line seems to work without any ill effect I can see)


I believe this is due to commenting out

--return groupFavorite1 on line 604 in SortingFunctions.lua

I think that line should still be active, as it would put favorites above the alphabetical sort, while still sorting the rest alphabetically.


Add more sorting options to choose please, I was used to old method instead sorting alphabetically. You can add sort from most recent to oldest and the other way and we can choose in addon options.