Better Wardrobe and Transmog

Better Wardrobe and Transmog


Dropdown.lua:148: calling 'IsMouseOver' on bad self (Usage: local isMouseOver = self:IsMouseOver([offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight]))

Ookami313 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I've been getting the following error for a while, but kept forgetting to report it because it only seems to happen every so often. When I ATL+TAB out of the game to do something like look up something on Wowhead or the like, then click on the game frame again to re-enter the game I keep getting the following error. I thought that the issue would occur each time I either reload or log out and back in, but it seems to be just a hit or miss occurrence. Thanks.

1x ...erWardrobe/Libs/Sushi-3.1-5/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua:148: calling 'IsMouseOver' on bad self (Usage: local isMouseOver = self:IsMouseOver([offsetTop, offsetBottom, offsetLeft, offsetRight]))
[string "=[C]"]: in function `IsMouseOver'
[string "@BetterWardrobe/Libs/Sushi-3.1-5/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua"]:148: in function <...erWardrobe/Libs/Sushi-3.1/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua:147>
[string "@BetterWardrobe/Libs/Sushi-3.1-5/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua"]:153: in function <...erWardrobe/Libs/Sushi-3.1/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua:147>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@BetterWardrobe/Libs/Sushi-3.1-5/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua"]:93: in function <...erWardrobe/Libs/Sushi-3.1/classes/drops/Dropdown.lua:92>

(*temporary) = SimpleCheckout {
0 =
RightOutside = Line {
RightInside = Line {
Background = Frame {
CalculateDesiredSize = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_Shared_SimpleCheckout.lua:101
OnShow = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_Shared_SimpleCheckout.lua:54
OnLoad = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_Shared_SimpleCheckout.lua:25
OnHide = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_Shared_SimpleCheckout.lua:61
LeftOutside = Line {
OnExternalLink = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_Shared_SimpleCheckout.lua:83
TopInside = Line {
BottomOutside = Line {
CloseButton = Button {
TopOutside = Line {
BottomInside = Line {
OnEvent = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_Shared_SimpleCheckout.lua:29
LeftInside = Line {
RecalculateSize = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_Shared_SimpleCheckout.lua:139
OnRequestNewSize = defined @Blizzard_StoreUI/Blizzard_Shared_SimpleCheckout.lua:75


I've removed the Sushi library in the last release, so you should not be seeing the errors any more.