Better Wardrobe and Transmog

Better Wardrobe and Transmog


Dressing Room: "General Options" and "Import/Export Options" tooltips cover the context menu content when left-clicked

ryankhart opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Repro Steps:

  • Open dressing room while Better Wardrobe is enabled.
  • Left-click down on either "General Options" or "Import/Export Options" (notice how the tooltip goes away here.)
  • Release left-click.

What I expect to happen:
I expect to view the context menu without obstructions from other UI elements.

What actually happens:
The context menu comes up but the tooltip for "General Options" or "Import/Export Options" shows over the top of the context menu items.

I can either right-click the buttons instead or left-click and drag away from the button, then release to get it to work as expected.


It also stays on the HUD even after I close the dressing room window until I open the dressing room and right click one of those buttons.



This is fixed in the next update.