Better World Quests

Better World Quests


World Quest Icons Disappear When Opening Map

JustForFF opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the bug

When I open the map the Icons for the World Quests disappear after the first or second instance of opening the map and they do not return unless I press the key that is bound to hiding them while held OR I reloadui the UI.

How to reproduce

Simply just press the key for the World Map, not much to it.

What did you expect?

I expect when I open the World Map to have the World Quests to be visible and Clickable yet it is not.


No Screenshots as it doesn't really show the issue, but I have a video on Imgur here (Video size too big for a direct upload on GitHub without compromising quality):

Note: I didn't press the hide button to make the icons appear again or reload my ui in the video, but the issue stands and hopefully it made sense, and thank you for the mod, I love it