


Allow users to add custom buff Names or IDs to current spell lists

TheInternetIsReal opened this issue ยท 4 comments



I noticed there are a lot of missing spells from the built in lists. Is there any way to edit the lists in the UI today, or can the functionality be added in some other way in the meantime?


Go into

C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BigDebuffs\Retail

and add (for example)

[110909] = { type = BUFF_DEFENSIVE }, -- Alter Time

close and save. the first numbers are the spell ID found on wowhead. change spell ID/type/name for each spell you want to add.
to save myself time i honestly just throw everything under "BUFF_OTHER" all the way at the bottom. here are the spells I have added.

[87023] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Cauterize
[209426] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Darkness
[45182] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Cheating Death
[345231] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Gladiator's Emblem
[317589] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Tormenting Backlash
[11327] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Vanish
[25771] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Forbearance
[125174] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Touch of Karma
[116095] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Disable
[2983] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Sprint
[320224] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Podtender
[331866] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Agent of Chaos
[310143] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Soulshape
[212792] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Cone of Cold
[110909] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Alter Time
[34709] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Shadow Sight
[185422] = { type = BUFF_OTHER }, -- Shadow Dance 

Thanks, I'll try that for now.


This is an OK-ish workaround, the problem is that whatever manual changes you make to the lua files are overriden/removed whenever Jordon updates the AddOn and you download the latest version, so it's not really maintainable.

Adding in a similar function as in OmniBar where the user can input their own auras manually in the AddOn (which saves to your SavedVariables) would be optimal.


You're right. But honestly BigDebuffs isn't updated all that frequently. I just made a backup of the Retail file with all my customs spells and whenever it is updated, I'll throw the custom spells back in.