


Shadow Dance missing

Dikoberries opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi Team,

move tried adding Shadow Dance to the LUA with no luck.
The spell shows up correctly in game through the mod interface, but Shdow Dance does not show up on the unit frames despite this.
Could we please add this in? Or help me figure how to do it manually.


Hey Dikoberries,
You can add the following line under the rogue section in ..._retail_\Interface\AddOns\BigDebuffs\Retail.lua:
[185422] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE }, -- Shadow Dance
My guess is you used the wrong spell id, you need to use the one for the buff itself. Don't ask me why a lot of abilities have a different spell id for the ability and the buff it gives!


Hey Dikoberries,
You can add the following line under the rogue section in ...retail\Interface\AddOns\BigDebuffs\Retail.lua:
[185422] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE }, -- Shadow Dance
My guess is you used the wrong spell id, you need to use the one for the buff itself. Don't ask me why a lot of abilities have a different spell id for the ability and the buff it gives!

That worked! Thank you very much :)