


Buffs/Debuffs staying on randomly

Asparine824 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hello everyone,

I have a problem with buffs/debuffs on enemies staying on while they are no longer supposed too.
As you can see with the screenshot, the lock still has the reflect shield with bigdebuffs but it's already faded out in reality (if u check his own buffs on the top left).
This bug happens randomly with any ability and it is quite annoying since i can't know if it is still up or not.
This bug is sticking on two different computers i have (my good PC and my laptop), and i already tried to resintall the addon and everything but it didn't work.
Can someone help me out ? I have no clue how to fix it, and it is quite important in arena !



FYI this bug is only on the nameplates, and looks like when there is another bigger priority it will overwrite it and debugs it. But if there is no priority to overwrite, it will just stay on indefinitly.


I have a similar issue where friendly nameplates will randomly show incorrect debuffs (like a priest having shadow blades icon and it being called "Battle Shout" when I mouseover it) even though I have bigdebuffs turned off for friendly nameplates.



I have exactly same issue, sometimes it's very distracting to see bubble on a rogue loll