


Please add: Weapons of Order, Colossus Smash, Final Reckoning, Devouring Plague

RekPressesW opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Please add spell ID 310454 - "Weapons of Order" - it is the Windwalker Monk Bastion class ability.


If you'd like to add it to your own for now:

Go into

C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BigDebuffs\Retail

and add

[310454] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE }, -- Weapons of Order

You can paste that in somewhere in the "Monk" category or what I do is just throw it down at the bottom with "other buffs"


I'm glad you found the correct ID's for the debuff! (Somewhat annoying that the (de)buff is sometimes a different ID to the spell that caused it). There addons that let you see the spell ID in tooltips, so you can easily check buff/debuff IDs, assuming you have a character that has the ability.

Weapons of Order I'm happy to add to a pull request.

Rotational abilities (and in particular debuffs) start to go into a grey area in my opinion, particularly something like Devouring Plague which can have incredibly high uptime and not give much meaningful information. I can definitely see the argument for abilities like Colossus Smash & Final Reckoning, especially in arena. I wonder if there's a way to add them and default their visibility to hidden, because I think it's important that the addon works well in its stock config, and if suddenly someone's dungeon, raid or bg nameplates/unit frames are constantly showing debuffs like CSmash because there's a bunch of warriors in their group, that is just filling the screen with icons and not giving particularly valuable information.

Lastly, of course you are welcome to modify the addon as you please - my friendly suggestion would be to not put those abilities under CROWD_CONTROL! If your partner gets Silenced, Feared or Psychic Horror'd you probably would rather see that than the Devouring Plague in that moment.


If you'd like to add it to your own for now:

Go into

C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns\BigDebuffs\Retail

and add

[310454] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE }, -- Weapons of Order

You can paste that in somewhere in the "Monk" category or what I do is just throw it down at the bottom with "other buffs"

I'm also trying to get a few debuffs to show up on my party frames. I'm trying to put them in as Crowd Control, but it's not working. Namely:

  • Colossus Smash
  • Devouring Plague
  • Final Reckoning

For example, I tried:
[167105] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL }, -- Colossus Smash
but it's not taking


I was able to locate the debuff spell ID for Colossus Smash:

[208086] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL }, -- Colossus Smash

Additionally, these work for Devouring Plague and Final Reckoning:

[335467] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL }, -- Devouring Plague
[343721] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL }, -- Final Reckoning

Please add these as well. :D It feels back seeing "Modified."


I'm glad you found the correct ID's for the debuff! (Somewhat annoying that the (de)buff is sometimes a different ID to the spell that caused it). There addons that let you see the spell ID in tooltips, so you can easily check buff/debuff IDs, assuming you have a character that has the ability.

Weapons of Order I'm happy to add to a pull request.

Rotational abilities (and in particular debuffs) start to go into a grey area in my opinion, particularly something like Devouring Plague which can have incredibly high uptime and not give much meaningful information. I can definitely see the argument for abilities like Colossus Smash & Final Reckoning, especially in arena. I wonder if there's a way to add them and default their visibility to hidden, because I think it's important that the addon works well in its stock config, and if suddenly someone's dungeon, raid or bg nameplates/unit frames are constantly showing debuffs like CSmash because there's a bunch of warriors in their group, that is just filling the screen with icons and not giving particularly valuable information.

Lastly, of course you are welcome to modify the addon as you please - my friendly suggestion would be to not put those abilities under CROWD_CONTROL! If your partner gets Silenced, Feared or Psychic Horror'd you probably would rather see that than the Devouring Plague in that moment.

Thank you for the reply!

I can definitely see the argument for not including Devouring Plague, but it can be especially useful to Windwalker Monks, Shadow Priests and Ret Paladins to have this showing. Sometimes it's hard to see exact debuffs when you're watching so many other things.

The purpose of setting Colossus Smash and Final Reckoning as Crowd Control and Warning Debuff is so they jump out with an alert on the raid frames (e.g. they're bigger). I did, however, set them for a lower priority than actual crowd control on the nameplate and unit frame displays. So a target that is Storm Bolted will still show Storm Bolt until it's off, then it'll go to Colossus Smash, for example.

Setting them as a Warning Debuff means I'll see both on my Raid Frames (both Storm Bolt and Colossus Smash).

I know not everybody needs this, but for me it's sometimes easier to see these non-buff cooldowns on the unit frames than in something else like WeakAuras (if I turned on every micro-CD in WAs, I'd be tracking sooo much -- I'd much rather use BigDebuffs to fill the gaps on non-buff offensive CDs that cause a debuff on a teammate).

Finally, for your scenario of someone being in a dungeon with warriors and seeing Colossus Smash all over the place, that could potentially be solved by lowering the number on Extras > Hide in Raids > Group Size with 3 or less. Currently, 5 is the minimum.


Good news! I've figured out how to add spells with a specific default visibility. I've currently got a version with a new 'offensive debuffs' category up on my fork ( with the above spells, I've yet to test it with raid frames (because in arena I use SUF party frames), but I think it should work.

I'm not going to pull request it to this repo yet, because there's now kind of an overlap between the usage of these debuffs and warning debuffs. I think they can probably be merged together, and then each spell given a toggle to appear as a warning debuff...