


Passing additional arguments in spell list - Default priority

domzae opened this issue ยท 0 comments


For some niche cases, setting a priority modifier to specific spells, to ensure they show above/below their category, without needing a whole new category, would be useful.
For example
[33786] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL, bonusPriority = 1 }, -- Cyclone
This would give it 1 extra priority point over the CROWD_CONTROL priority. (i.e. if CC has a priority of 60, Cyclone will be given a priority of 61, unless manually overwritten)
[20707] = { type = BUFF_OTHER, bonusPriority = -100 }, -- Soulstone
Would set its priority to 100 less than the BUFF_OTHER priority, to make sure everything else is displayed first, clamped(1-100). (1, instead of 30)

EDIT: Turns out there was just a mistype in BigDebuffs.lua which caused the nonameplates to not work properly, making me think none of them worked!

Would be good to be able to pass some arguments additional arguments into the spell lists to give default behaviour. Particularly so that we can add debuffs that are part of normal rotations and useful in arena, but which would clog up unit frames and nameplates if visible in other content.
For example:

[208086] = { type = DEBUFF_OFFENSIVE, visibleOnUnitFrames = False, visibleOnNamePlates = False }, -- Colossus Smash
Defaults to hidden on UnitFrames, hidden on NamePlates and shown on RaidFrames.

[335467] = { type = DEBUFF_OFFENSIVE, visibleOnUnitFrames = False, visibleOnRaidFrames = False, visibleOnNamePlates = False }, -- Devouring Plague
Defaults to hidden everywhere, allows users to simply toggle it on if they want to track it

I've noticed there are some arguments available like nounitFrames, but I believe that will completely prevent the aura from displaying on unit frames, even if the user toggles it on.