



Kennahz opened this issue ยท 1 comments

[322431] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE }, -- Thoughtsteal (Buff)
    [323716] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322431 }, -- Thoughtsteal (Debuff)

The buff part of "Thoughtsteal" is correct. However, the debuff part isnt. The debuff part of Thoughtsteal should be the 9 spell IDs found by searching "Thoughtstolen" one ID for each class.


Like this:

[322431] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE }, -- Thoughtsteal (Buff)
    [322459] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322431 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Shaman)
    [322464] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322431 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Mage)
    [322442] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322431 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Druid)
    [322462] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322431 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Priest - Holy)
    [322457] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322431 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Paladin)
    [322463] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322431 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Warlock)
    [322461] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322431 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Priest - Discipline)
    [322458] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322431 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Monk)
    [322460] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322431 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Priest - Shadow)

However, I believe this is a rare occasion where the buff/debuff should be separated. If there are ever two priests in proximity of each other whether it is arena or a BG if one of them uses thoughtsteal on the other, you would not be able to tell which one used thoughtsteal or which one is thoughtstolen as they are the same icon. They should be separated so people can choose perhaps a custom size or disable the buff portion and keep the debuff portion or vice versa.

Like this:

[322431] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE }, -- Thoughtsteal (Buff)
[322459] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE }, -- Thoughtstolen (Shaman)
    [322464] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322459 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Mage)
    [322442] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322459 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Druid)
    [322462] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322459 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Priest - Holy)
    [322457] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322459 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Paladin)
    [322463] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322459 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Warlock)
    [322461] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322459 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Priest - Discipline)
    [322458] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322459 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Monk)
    [322460] = { type = BUFF_OFFENSIVE, parent = 322459 }, -- Thoughtstolen (Priest - Shadow) 

Ah good catch - I just tested it on an NPC and called it a day! :P
Yeah makes sense to separate the buff/debuff